distance是什么意思 distance在线中文翻译



n. 距离, 远方, 遥远
【计】 位距
【医】 距离
in the distance
keep one's distance
know one's distance


动词过去式:distanced 过去分词:distanced 现在分词:distancing 第三人称单数:distances 


名词 distance:

  1. the property created by the space between two objects or points
  2. a distant region
  3. size of the gap between two places同义词:length
  4. indifference by personal withdrawal同义词:aloofness
  5. the interval between two times同义词:space
  6. a remote point in time

动词 distance:

  1. keep at a distance
  2. go far ahead of同义词:outdistance, outstrip


  1. Is his distance a result of snobbery or shyness?他态度冷淡是因为他势利眼呢,还是因为他腼腆?
  2. We can see a windmill in the distance.我们可以望见远处有架风车。
  3. We can see the mountain from the distance.我们从远处就可以看到那座山。
  4. My house is four miles distance from the sea.我家离海四英里。


n.Abbr. dist.,dis.(名词)缩写 dist.,dis.The extent of space between two objects or places; an intervening space.距离,间距:两物体或两地方之间的空间距离;一段空间The fact or condition of being apart in space; remoteness.远离,远隔:在空间中被分隔的事实或状态;远离Mathematics The length or numerical value of a straight line or curve.【数学】 间距:直线或曲线的长度或数值
The extent of space between points on a measured course.路程:在被测定路线上两点间延伸的距离The length of a race, especially of a horserace.赛跑的长度,尤指赛马的
A point or an area that is far away:远处,远方:远处的一点或一个地区:例句:.Telephone poles stretched way into a distance I couldn`t quite see.(Leigh Allison Wilson).电话杆一直延伸很远,我几乎都看不清楚了.(利·阿利森·威尔逊)
A depiction of a point or an area that is far away.描述(远方之物):对远方的某一点或某一地区的描绘A stretch of space without designation of limit; an expanse:宽阔的区域:一片没有指定界限的空间;广阔:例句:a land of few hills and great distances.只有少数山丘的广阔区域
The extent of time between two events; an intervening period.时间间隔:两件事发生时间的间隔;一段间隔A point removed in time:时间:相隔长远的时刻:例句:At a distance of years, the details of the crime were clouded in his mind.时隔十一年后,犯罪的细节在他的脑海里已变得模糊
The period or length of a contest:竞赛期间:比赛的时间段或长度:例句:The challenger had never attempted the distance of 2 rounds.挑战者从未试图跑十二圈
An amount of progress:进展程度:例句:The curriculum committee is a distance from where it was two months ago.课程设计委员会的工作,两个月来取得很大进展
Difference or disagreement:分歧,不和,不同意:例句:The candidates could not be at a greater distance on this issue.在这个问题上,候选人之间分歧很大
Chillness of manner; aloofness.冷淡;不友好v.tr.(及物动词)dis.tanced,dis.tanc.ing,dis.tanc.es To place or keep at or as if at a distance:使远离,使疏远:例句:.To understand Russian strategy . . . it is necessary for us to distance ourselves from our own myths and to enter into theirs.(Freeman J. Dyson).要想弄明白俄国的战略…我们有必要抛开我们自己的神话而考虑他们的.(弗里曼J.戴森)
To cause to appear at a distance.使显得遥远To leave far behind; outrun.把…远远地甩在后面;远远超过