fumes是什么意思 fumes在线中文翻译



n. 烟, 汽, 气
【机】 烟


名词 fumes:

  1. gases ejected from an engine as waste products同义词:exhaust, exhaust fumes

名词 fume:

  1. a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas同义词:smoke, fume

动词 fume:

  1. be mad, angry, or furious同义词:fume
  2. emit a cloud of fine particles同义词:fume, smoke
  3. treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests同义词:fumigate, fume
  4. be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face同义词:reek, fume


  1. Petrol fumes from car engines poison the atmosphere.汽车引擎排放的汽油烟气毒化着大气。
  2. Walk on the inside to avoid the traffic fumes.在人行道的内侧走,避开车辆的废气。
  3. The factory had been sending out toxic fumes.这家工厂一直在排放有毒的废气。
  4. The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes, coal dust, and toxic gases.现代城市是由大得怕人的大厦和充斥着难闻的汽油味,煤灰和有毒气体和又阴暗又狭窄的街道所组成。