folder是什么意思 folder在线中文翻译



n. 文件夹, 折纸机, 折叠式书本, 卷宗
【计】 文件夹
【经】 折叠式表皮


名词 folder:

  1. a small book usually having a paper cover同义词:booklet, brochure, leaflet, pamphlet
  2. covering that is folded over to protect the contents


  1. The folder was sandwiched in between the two bulging files in the drawer.这硬纸卡被挤在抽屉里的两个鼓鼓的档案夹里了。
  2. God, we look like sheep- we are all carrying the same folder.天啊!我们都带着同样的文件夹,看起来一模一样。
  3. A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order.文件夹按顺序放置文件的容器,如档案柜或文件夹

n.(名词)One that folds or is folded, such as a booklet or pamphlet made of one or more folded sheets of paper.折叠者,折叠器,折叠印刷品:折叠或被折叠起来的东西,比如由一张或多张折叠起来的纸制成的小本子或小册子A flexible cover folded in the center and used as a holder for loose paper:文件头,纸夹:一个中间折起的可弯曲封皮,用作夹放散纸的纸夹:例句:a file folder; a hanging folder.文件夹;悬挂的文件夹