general是什么意思 general在线中文翻译



n. 一般, 将军, 大体
a. 全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的
n. 常规
【计】 常规
【医】 一般的, 全身性, 广泛的
in general




common, ordinary, commonplace, general, usual, popular, universal
common: 多用于指物,侧重很常见,不稀奇。
ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般。
commonplace: 强调缺少新意。
general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。
usual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。
popular: 指适应大众爱好、需要,为大家所公认或接受。
universal: 与general同义,但语气较强,侧重对每个人或事物都适用,根本没有例外。


名词 general:

  1. a general officer of the highest rank同义词:full general
  2. the head of a religious order or congregation同义词:superior general
  3. a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular)

动词 general:

  1. command as a general

形容词 general:

  1. applying to all or most members of a category or group
  2. not specialized or limited to one class of things
  3. of national scope
  4. prevailing among and common to the general public
  5. affecting the entire body
  6. somewhat indefinite
  7. of worldwide scope or applicability同义词:cosmopolitan, ecumenical, oecumenical, universal, worldwide, world-wide


  1. The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。
  2. Napoleon was a great general.拿破仑是一位伟大的将领。
  3. Please give me a general idea of the work.请告诉我这项工作的梗概。

adj.Abbr. gen.,genl.(形容词)缩写 gen.,genl.Concerned with, applicable to, or affecting the whole or every member of a class or category:全体的,全面的:与一个集团或类别的全部或每一成员有关系的、适用的、有影响力的:例句:.subduing all her impressions as a woman, to something more general.(Virginia Woolf).压抑一切女性的特质,变得像一般人一样.(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)
Affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved; prevalent:普遍的,流行的:影响有关事物的大多数的,具有大多数的特征的;流行的:例句:general discontent.普遍的不满
Being usually the case; true or applicable in most instances but not all:大致的,概略的:经常是此状况的;大部分情形都真实或适用的但并非全部:例句:the general correctness of her decisions.她的决策基本正确
Not limited in scope, area, or application:一般性的,到处的:不限于领域、地区或应用的:例句:as a general rule.一般而言
Not limited to or dealing with one class of things; diversified:多样的,普通的:不限于或不仅仅处理一种事物的;多元化的:例句:general studies.多元研究
Involving only the main features rather than precise details:大体上的:只涉及到主要特征,而不是精细细节的:例句:a general grasp of the subject.一门学科的大略掌握
Highest or superior in rank:最高的:在职位上最高或占优势地位的:例句:the general manager.总经理
n.(名词)Abbr. Gen.缩写 Gen.A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant general.一级上将:美国陆军、空军或海军中在上尉之上一军阶One who holds this rank or a similar rank in another military organization.司令官:在另一种部队组织中拥有此官衔或类似官衔的A general officer.高级军官A statement, principle, or fact that embraces or is applicable to the whole.原则:陈述、原则或事实,包括或对全部都适用Archaic The public.【古语】 公众
<习惯用语>in general
Generally.普遍地习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Latin gener3lis 源自 拉丁语 gener3lis from genus gener- [kind] * see gen…- 源自 genus gener- [种类] *参见 gen…-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>general,common,generic,universal同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .belonging to, relating to, or affecting the whole.: 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是:.属于全部的,与全部都有关或对全部都有影响力的.: 例句:the general welfare;普遍福利;
例句:a common enemy;共同敌人;
例句:generic differences between birds and reptiles;鸟类和爬行动物之间的一般性区别;
例句:universal military conscription. particular 广泛的军事募征 particular