Briton是什么意思 Briton在线中文翻译



n. 大不列颠人, 英国人


名词 briton:

  1. a native or inhabitant of Great Britain同义词:Britisher, Brit
  2. an inhabitant of southern Britain prior to the Anglo-Saxon invasions

形容词 briton:

  1. characteristic of or associated with the Britons


  1. For many Britons accustomed to watching Thatcher browbeat enemies and dress down aides, it seemed like only a matter of time before her support for Major would cool.对很多看惯撒切尔向她的政敌怒目而视或斥责僚属的英国人来说,她对梅杰的支持迟早都会冷却。
  2. According to the latest survey many briton suffer from heart disease.据最近调查显示,许多英国人患心脏病。
  3. Some people say we Briton must work like beaver.有人说我们英国人得拼命工作才行。


n.(名词)A native or inhabitant of Great Britain.布立吞:英国人民或居民One of a Celtic people inhabiting ancient Britain at the time of the Roman invasion.布立吞人:古罗马人入侵时居住在古不列颠岛的凯尔特人之一
来源:Middle English Britoun [Celt, Briton] 中古英语 Britoun [凯尔特人,布立吞人] from Anglo-Norman Britun 源自 英法语 Britun from Latin Brittonôs [Britons] 源自 拉丁语 Brittonôs [布立吞人] [of Celtic origin] [源于凯尔特语的]