belong是什么意思 belong在线中文翻译



vi. 属于, 合适


动词过去式:belonged 过去分词:belonged 现在分词:belonging 第三人称单数:belongs 


动词 belong:

  1. be owned by; be in the possession of
  2. originate (in)同义词:dwell, consist, lie, lie in
  3. be suitable or acceptable
  4. be in the right place or situation同义词:go
  5. be classified with


  1. The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus'.黄水仙是水仙属植物。
  2. What party do you belong to?你属于哪一党派?
  3. That dictionary belongs to me.那本字典是属于我的。


To be proper, appropriate, or suitable:适当,适宜,适合:例句:A napkin belongs at every place setting.餐巾对每一席位都适合
To be in an appropriate situation or environment:适于:处于适合的情况或环境下:例句:That plant belongs outdoors.那种植物适于户外生长
To be a member of a group, such as a club.属:作为一个群体的成员,如一个俱乐部To fit into a group naturally:合得来:很自然地适应一个群体:例句:No matter what I did, I just didn`t belong.无论我做什么,我都觉得合不来
To be the property of:属于:是…的财产:例句:.The earth belongs to the living.(Thomas Jefferson).地球属于一切生物.(托马斯·杰斐逊)
To be a part of something else:附属物:为其它事物的组成部分:例句:These blades belong to the food processor.刀片是食品加工机的附件
来源:Middle English bilongen 中古英语 bilongen probably bi- [be-] 可能为 bi- [前缀,表示.完全,彻底.] longen [to belong] probably from long [dependent] from Old English gelang [along, depending] * see del- longen [属于] 可能源自 long [依靠的] 源自 古英语 gelang [沿着,依靠] *参见 del-