happily是什么意思 happily在线中文翻译



ad. 幸福地, 快乐地, 幸好


副词 happily:

  1. in a joyous manner同义词:merrily, mirthfully, gayly, blithely, jubilantly, with happiness
  2. in an unexpectedly lucky way


  1. Look on the bright side of things, and you will live happily.如果看事情的光明面,你就可以活得很快乐。
  2. John lives happily because he uses his time well to study.约翰生活得快乐因为他善用他的时间学习。
  3. The baby is prattling away happily in her cot.那幼儿在小床上呀呀自语,快活得很。
  4. How did you do your work? I did my work happily.你怎样做你的工作? 我很快乐地做了我的工作。
  5. Happily, the accident was prevented.很幸运,事故得以避免了。