discipline是什么意思 discipline在线中文翻译



n. 训练, 纪律
vt. 训练, 惩罚
【法】 纪律, 风纪, 惩戒


名词:discipliner 动词过去式:disciplined 过去分词:disciplined 现在分词:disciplining 第三人称单数:disciplines 形容词:disciplinal 


drill, exercise, practice, training, discipline
drill: 侧重进行有系统的,严格和重复的练习。
exercise: 主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼,也可指进行练习以保持已经获得的技巧。
practice: 指把所学的理论或知识用于实践以获得技艺与技巧。
training: 普通用词,泛指为从事某种职业而进行的身体或智力方面的训练。
discipline: 既可指训练又可指为达到某种熟练程度而进行约束。


名词 discipline:

  1. a branch of knowledge同义词:subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick, branch of knowledge
  2. a system of rules of conduct or method of practice;
  3. the trait of being well behaved
  4. training to improve strength or self-control
  5. the act of punishing同义词:correction

动词 discipline:

  1. train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control同义词:train, check, condition
  2. punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience同义词:correct, sort out


  1. The children are happy at the school, but they lack discipline.孩子们在学校里很快活,但很散漫。
  2. His army is a very disciplined force.他的军队是一支训练有素的队伍。
  3. The teacher can't keep discipline in her class.那位老师无法维持教室纪律。
  4. A little discipline would do him a world of good.稍微处分他一下会对他大有好处。
  5. She never disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable.她从不管教自己的孩子,弄得他们无法无天。


n.(名词)Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.训练;修养;磨练:为有某一特定性格或行为方式而进行的训练,尤指为在道德和智力上的进步改善而进行的训练Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.自制:遵守纪律训练而养成的克制行为;自控
Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.规律,纪律:由履行命令、依从而形成的克制A systematic method to obtain obedience:风纪:学会服从的系统方法:例句:a military discipline.军纪
A state of order based on submission to rules and authority:秩序:在服从规则、上司的基础上秩序的状态:例句:a teacher who demanded discipline in the classroom.一位要求在课堂上遵守纪律的老师
Punishment intended to correct or train.惩罚,处罚:为改正或训练而惩罚A set of rules or methods, as those regulating the practice of a church or monastic order.教规,戒律:一套规则或做法,如教堂或寺院里规定的教规戒律A branch of knowledge or teaching.学科;科目:知识或教学的分支v.tr.(及物动词)dis.ci.plined,dis.ci.plin.ing,dis.ci.plines To train by instruction and practice, especially to teach self-control to.训练,调教:通过教学和实践训练,尤指学会自我克制To teach to obey rules or accept authority.See Synonyms at teach 使遵守准则,使服从权威参见 teachTo punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience.See Synonyms at punish 惩罚,处罚:为了控制或胁迫他人遵从而惩罚参见 punishTo impose order on:规定:对…强行实施规定:例句:needed to discipline their study habits.必须规定他的学习习惯
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French descepline 源自 古法语 descepline from Latin disciplona 源自 拉丁语 disciplona from discipulus [pupil] * see disciple 源自 discipulus [学生] *参见 disciple