hyphenated是什么意思 hyphenated在线中文翻译



a. 归化入籍的, 带有连字符的


动词 hyphenate:

  1. divide or connect with a hyphen同义词:hyphenate, hyphen

形容词 hyphenated:

  1. (of words) combined by means of a hyphen to form a unit


  1. We did a computer search for all the hyphenated words.我们用电脑查找所有用连字符连接的词。


adj.(形容词)Having a hyphen:有连字号连接:例句:a hyphenated adjective.以连字号接的形容词
Often Offensive Of or relating to naturalized citizens or their descendants or culture.【常为无礼用语】 归化者的:归化的公民或是其后代子孙或是其文化的,或与其相关的
Naturalized immigrants to the United States and their descendants have sometimes been termedhyphenated Americans in reference to the tendency to hyphenate such ethnic compounds as Irish-American and Polish-American. This term has come under strong criticism as suggesting that those so designated are not as fully American as .unhyphenated. citizens, and it is best avoided in all but historical contexts. 归化美国的移民及其后代子孙有时会以hyphenated Americans 的措词称呼,这与使用连字号的趋势有关,例如像 Irish-American(爱尔兰裔美国人)Polish-American(波兰裔美国人) 之类的种族复合字。这种词汇遭到许多批评,指出这些被指定的名称似乎并不如.unhyphenated(未用连字号).的公民一般为完全的美国人,也因此应尽量避免于历史文章之外使用此类字