commute是什么意思 commute在线中文翻译



vt. 交换, 折偿, 减轻
vi. 代偿, 经常乘车来往
【化】 对易


动词过去式:commuted 过去分词:commuted 现在分词:commuting 第三人称单数:commutes 


名词 commute:

  1. a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work

动词 commute:

  1. move from one side of an equation to the other side without a change in value同义词:transpose
  2. travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and home同义词:travel back and forth
  3. change the order or arrangement of同义词:permute, transpose
  4. exchange a penalty for a less severe one同义词:convert, exchange
  5. exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category同义词:change, exchange, convert


  1. He commute from Beijing to nanjing every week.他每周乘车往返北京与南京。
  2. My uncle used to commute ten miles to the city.我的叔父过去每天要走10英里到城里去。


v.(动词)com.mut.ed,,com.mutes v.intr.(不及物动词)To travel as a commuter.通勤:作为长期车票使用者旅行
To make substitution or exchange.折换,折合To serve as a substitute.用作替代品To pay in gross, usually at a reduced rate, rather than in individual payments.一次付清:常以降价按总计支付,而不是单个支付Logic Mathematics To satisfy or engage in a commutative operation.【逻辑学】 【数学】 直接转换:符合或从事交换操作及物动词)To substitute (one thing for another); exchange.代替(用一事代替另一);交换To change (a penalty, debt, or payment) to a less severe one.减刑:改变(刑罚、债务或支付)到较轻的程度n.(名词)An act or instance of commuting, especially the trip made by a commuter:通勤路程:经常往来的动作或例子,尤指通勤者的旅行:例句:a 22-mile commute; an easy commute.二十二英里的通勤路程;轻松的通勤路程
来源:Middle English commuten [to transform] 中古英语 commuten [转换] from Latin commôt3re 源自 拉丁语 commôt3re com- [com-] com- [表示.和,与.等意思的前缀] t3re [to change] * see mei- t3re [改变] *参见 mei-