glowing是什么意思 glowing在线中文翻译



a. 白热的, 灼热的, 通红的, 鲜艳的
【化】 辉光


bright, brilliant, glowing, radiant, luminous
bright: 常用词,与昏暗相对应,侧重形容光线的强度,指一切自身发光明亮或反射光的事物。
brilliant: 指非常亮或亮得引人注目,多含闪耀或反光闪烁之意。
glowing: 指稳定光源发出的明亮持久的光,或燃烧最后阶段产生的红光。
radiant: 侧重光线的发散,也可指像太阳或星星一样发光的东西。
luminous: 着重指发出持续稳定的亮光;可指在黑暗中的发光物。


名词 glowing:

  1. the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface同义词:radiance, glow

动词 glow:

  1. emit a steady even light without flames同义词:glow
  2. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink同义词:glow, beam, radiate, shine
  3. shine intensely, as if with heat同义词:burn, glow
  4. be exuberant or high-spirited同义词:glow
  5. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion同义词:glow, beam, radiate, shine

形容词 glowing:

  1. highly enthusiastic


  1. The poet paints the simple country life in glowing colours, and is clearly against living in a city.这位诗人颂扬乡村的简朴生活,显然他不赞同居住在城市中。
  2. So hot as to glow with a bright white light.白热的热得以致于发出明亮的白光
  3. The fire was glowing.火炽热地燃烧着。
  4. The glow of an incandescent metal as it cools.残光白热的金属在冷却时所发出的残光