enclose是什么意思 enclose在线中文翻译



vt. 围绕, 放入封套, 装入
【化】 圈


异体字:inclose 动词过去式:enclosed 过去分词:enclosed 现在分词:enclosing 第三人称单数:encloses 


动词 enclose:

  1. enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering同义词:envelop, enfold, enwrap, wrap
  2. close in or confine同义词:hold in, confine
  3. surround completely同义词:close in, inclose, shut in
  4. introduce同义词:insert, inclose, stick in, put in, introduce


  1. With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.关於你的询问,兹附上有关说明资料。
  2. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your reply.兹附上贴有邮票并写好地址的回邮信封。
  3. I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account.兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。
  4. I enclose herewith two copies of the contract.随函寄上合同副本两份。
  5. Enclosed please find a money order.兹附上一张汇票,请查收。
  6. He enclosed the land with a hedge.他用篱笆把地圈起来。


v.tr.(及物动词)en.closed,en.clos.ing,en.clos.es To surround on all sides; close in.围住:四面围住;圈起To fence in so as to prevent common use:圈起:用篱墙围起来以防公众使用:例句:enclosed the pasture.将牧场围起来
To contain, especially so as to envelop or shelter:包含,封住:装入,尤其是封闭包藏或遮蔽:例句:.Every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret.(Charles Dickens).那些黑压压聚集成群的房子每一幢都藏着它各自的秘密.(查尔斯·狄更斯)
To insert into the same envelope or package:把…封,附带:装入同一个信封或包裹:例句:enclose a check with the order.随命令附上一张支票
来源:Middle English enclosen 中古英语 enclosen from Old French enclos [past participle of] enclore 源自 古法语 enclos [] enclore的过去分词 from Latin inclôdere [to enclose] * see include 源自 拉丁语 inclôdere [包围] *参见 include
<参考词汇><同义词>enclose,cage,coop,fence,hem,pen,wall同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to surround and confine within a limited area.: 这些词共有的中心意思是:.包围和限制在一个局限的区域.: 例句:cattle enclosed in feedlots;圈养在牧场的牛群;
例句:was caged in the office all afternoon;整个下午都关在办公室;
例句:was cooped up in a studio apartment;挤住在小型分寓房间;
例句:a garden fenced in by shrubbery;用灌木丛做篱笆的花园;
例句:a battalion hemmed in by enemy troops;被敌军包围了的军队;
例句:ships penned up in the harbor during a blockade;阻塞期内困在港口的船只;
例句:prisoners who were walled in. 关在大墙内的犯人