Gettysburg是什么意思 Gettysburg在线中文翻译



n. 葛底斯堡(美国地名)


名词 gettysburg:

  1. a small town in southern Pennsylvania; site of a national cemetery
  2. a battle of the American Civil War ; the defeat of Robert E. Lee's invading Confederate army was a major victory for the Union同义词:Battle of Gettysburg


  1. Everyone in the class has to learn Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by heart.班上每个学生都必须默诵林肯葛底斯堡演说词。


NONE(无词性)A town of southern Pennsylvania east-southeast of Chambersburg. It was the site of a major Union victory in the Civil War (July -3, 8'3), which checked Robert E. Lee`s invasion of the North. The battle and Abraham Lincoln`s famous Gettysburg Address (delivered at the dedication of a cemetery here on November 9, 8'3) are commemorated by a national park. President Dwight D. Eisenhower`s farm, a national historic site, is also in Gettysburg. Population, 7,94.葛底斯堡:宾夕法尼亚南部钱伯斯堡东南偏东的一城镇。是美国内战(8'3年7月日-3日)中一次较重要的联邦军胜利遗址,这次胜利抑制了罗伯特·E·李对北方的入侵。建立了一座国家公园以纪念这次战役和阿伯罕姆·林肯的葛底斯堡演讲(发表于8'3年月9日在此举行的公墓落成典礼的献辞上)。德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔总统的农场,一个具有历史意义的遗址也在葛底斯堡。人口7,94