cycling是什么意思 cycling在线中文翻译



n. 骑脚踏车兜风, 骑脚踏车消遣
【机】 循环操作


名词 cycling:

  1. the sport of traveling on a bicycle or motorcycle

动词 cycle:

  1. cause to go through a recurring sequence同义词:cycle
  2. pass through a cycle同义词:cycle
  3. ride a motorcycle同义词:motorbike, motorcycle, cycle
  4. ride a bicycle同义词:bicycle, cycle, bike, pedal, wheel
  5. recur in repeating sequences同义词:cycle


  1. I'm getting too old for cycling. These days I'm played out after only a few miles.我已年纪太大不能骑车了。最近,我只骑了几英里就感到筋疲力尽了。
  2. He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling long distances alone.他独自骑自行车远行,父母非常担心。
  3. A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me.像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心。
  4. I prefer walking to cycling.我喜欢步行更甚于骑自行车。


n.(名词)The act, sport, or technique of riding or racing on a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.骑车:骑行或在脚踏车、摩托车或类似交通工具上竞赛的行为、运动或技术adj.(形容词)Relating to or used in cycling.骑车的:关于或使用在骑脚踏车上的