gut是什么意思 gut在线中文翻译



n. 剧情, 内容, 内脏, 肚子, 海峡, 勇气
vt. 取出内脏, 毁坏...的内部
【医】 肠, 肠线


形容词:gutty 动词过去式:gutted 过去分词:gutted 现在分词:gutting 第三人称单数:guts 


名词 gut:

  1. the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus同义词:intestine, bowel
  2. a narrow channel or strait
  3. a strong cord made from the intestines of sheep and used in surgery同义词:catgut

动词 gut:

  1. empty completely; destroy the inside of
  2. remove the guts of


  1. Have the guts to say sth.[美]有做[说]某事的勇气
  2. She has been staying up at nights busting a gut over the work she has to do.她连续几晚熬夜,竭尽全力完成她应做的工作。
  3. After what he said to my wife, I was surprised that he had the guts to come round and apologize.他对我妻子说了那些话以后,竟有勇气前来致歉,这使我很吃惊。


The alimentary canal or a portion thereof, especially the intestine or stomach.消化道:消化道或消化道的一部份,尤其是肠和胃The embryonic digestive tube, consisting of the foregut, the midgut, and the hindgut.肠:胚胎的消化管,包括前肠,中肠和后肠guts The bowels; entrails; viscera. guts 内脏:肠;内脏;腑脏Slang 【俚语】 Innermost emotional or visceral response:内心的感觉:内心深处的情感反应或本能的反应:例句:She felt in her gut that he was guilty.她从心底知道他是有罪的
guts The essential components or inner working parts: guts 内容:最重要的组成部份或内部的零件:例句:.The best part of a good car . . . is its guts.(Leigh Allison Wilson).一辆好车中最精良的东西是它的内部结构.(利·阿利森·威尔逊)
guts Slang guts 【俚语】 Courage; fortitude.勇气;毅力Nerve; audacity.大胆;无耻Slang A gut course.【俚语】 容易的课程A thin, tough cord made from the intestines of animals, usually sheep, used as strings for musical instruments or as surgical sutures.羊肠线:一种由动物肠,通常是羊肠所制成的牢固的细线,用于乐器的弦或用于手术缝合A narrow passage or channel.羊肠小道:一条狭窄的过道或海峡Fibrous material taken from the silk gland of a silkworm before it spins a cocoon, used for fishing tackle.钓钩丝:一种从结茧以前的蚕的丝腺中提取的纤维物质,用来作钓具及物动词)gut.ted,gut.ting,guts To remove the intestines or entrails of; eviscerate.取出内脏:除去肠胃等内脏;挖去…内脏To extract essential or major parts of:摘取要点:抽去精华或主要部份:例句:gut a manuscript.摘取手稿中的要点
To destroy the interior of:毁坏内部:例句:Fire gutted the house.大火烧毁了房子的内部
To reduce or destroy the effectiveness of:使减少或失效:例句:A stipulation added at the last minute gutted the ordinance.最后增加的条款减损了该法令的效力
adj.Slang (形容词)【俚语】 Arousing or involving basic emotions; visceral:深切的;迫切的:引起或包含基本的情感反应的;直觉的:例句:.Conservationism is a gut issue in the West.(Saturday Review).环境保护在西方是一个极其深切的问题.(星期六评论)
<习惯用语>gut it out【俚语】
To show pluck and perseverance in the face of opposition or adversity.坚持到底:在对立和逆境中显示出勇气和耐力习惯用语>来源:From Middle English guttes [entrails] 源自 中古英语 guttes [肠] from Old English guttas * see gheu- 源自 古英语 guttas *参见 gheu-