corner是什么意思 corner在线中文翻译



n. 角落, 转角, 窘境
vt. 迫至一隅, 垄断, 使陷入绝境
vi. 相交成角, 垄断
【计】 边角
【医】 侧门牙(马)
【经】 囤积居奇, 垄断市场
cut off a corner
pub sb in the corner
round the corner
turn the corner
be in a tight corner
drive sb into a corner
make a corner in sth
have the corner on sth


动词过去式:cornered 过去分词:cornered 现在分词:cornering 第三人称单数:corners 


angle, corner
angle: 几何学上的用词,指两条直线相交而成的角。也可引申指看问题的方面或角度。
corner: 多指物体的棱角或房间、街道的角落。


名词 corner:

  1. a place off to the side of an area
  2. the point where two lines meet or intersect
  3. an interior angle formed be two meeting walls同义词:nook
  4. the intersection of two streets同义词:street corner, turning point
  5. the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect
  6. a small concavity同义词:recess, recession, niche
  7. a temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade
  8. a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible同义词:box
  9. a projecting part where two sides or edges meet
  10. a remote area
  11. (architecture) solid exterior angle of a building; especially one formed by a cornerstone同义词:quoin

动词 corner:

  1. gain control over
  2. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape同义词:tree
  3. turn a corner


  1. She'll need luck to get out of a tight corner like that.她要靠运气才能摆脱那样的困境。
  2. By defeating their main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market.这家公司击败了主要的竞争对手而垄断了整个小麦市场。
  3. He fell and hit his head on the corner of a box.他跌倒时,头碰到箱子的一角。


n.Abbr. cor.(名词)缩写 cor.
The position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle:角:两条线、面或边会聚并形成一个角度的地方:例句:the four corners of a rectangle.长方形的四个角
The area enclosed or bounded by an angle formed in this manner:角落:以这种方式形成的角度所包围或限制的地方:例句:sat by myself in the corner; the corner of one`s eye.我独自坐在角落里;眼角
The place where two roads or streets join or intersect.街角:两条路或街相连场地的地方
Sports Any of the four angles of a boxing or wrestling ring where the ropes are joined.【体育运动】 边角:拳击或摔交中绳与绳相连的四个角之一Baseball Either side of home plate, toward or away from the batter.【棒球】 边角:离击球手最近或最远的本垒区的两端之一A threatening or embarrassing position from which escape is difficult:困境:危险的或令人尴尬的并且难以逃脱的境地:例句:got myself into a corner by boasting.吹牛使我陷入尴尬的境地
A remote, secluded, or secret place:隐蔽处:偏僻的、遥远的或秘密的地方:例句:the four corners of the earth; a beautiful little corner of Paris.世界各地;巴黎美丽的一隅
A part or piece made to fit on a corner, as in mounting or for protection.角落处:使适合角落的一部分或一块,如用于安装或保护
A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price.垄断:通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制Exclusive possession; monopoly:专卖权:排外的占有;专卖权:例句:.Neither party . . . has a corner on all the good ideas.(George B. Merry).没有一个政党能独占所有的好处.(乔治B.梅里)
v.(动词)cor.nered,,cor.ners及物动词)To furnish with corners.用角布置To place or drive into a corner:置于角落,迫入角落:例句:cornered the thieves and captured them.将窃贼逼入角落并擒住他们
To form a corner in (a stock or commodity):垄断:(在股票或商品中)形成垄断:例句:cornered the silver market.垄断银制品市场
v.intr.(不及物动词)To come together or be situated on or at a corner.聚于角落,位于角落To turn, as at a corner:转弯:象在街角那样转变:例句:a truck that corners poorly.转弯角度不好的卡车
adj.(形容词)Located at a street corner:位于街角的:例句:a corner drugstore.街角杂货店
Designed for use in a corner:为在角落用而设计的:例句:a corner table.角桌
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 from Old French corne [corner, horn] 源自 古法语 corne [角落,角] from Vulgar Latin *corna 源自 俗拉丁语 *corna from Latin cornua [pl. of] cornô [horn, point] * see ker- 源自 拉丁语 cornua [] cornô的复数 [角,点] *参见 ker-