fleet是什么意思 fleet在线中文翻译



n. 舰队, 港湾, 小河
a. 快速的, 敏捷的, 浅的, 短暂的
ad. 浅
vi. 疾驰, 飞逝, 掠过
vt. 消磨, 变换船(或船员)的位置
【法】 舰队, 车队, 河湾


名词:fleetness 副词:fleetly 形容词比较级:fleeter 最高级:fleetest 动词过去式:fleeted 过去分词:fleeted 现在分词:fleeting 第三人称单数:fleets 


名词 fleet:

  1. group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership
  2. group of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership
  3. a group of steamships operating together under the same ownership
  4. a group of warships organized as a tactical unit

动词 fleet:

  1. move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart同义词:flit, flutter, dart
  2. disappear gradually同义词:evanesce, fade, blow over, pass off, pass

形容词 fleet:

  1. moving very fast同义词:swift


  1. Fleet Street loves a good scandal.新闻界热衷於轰动性的丑闻。
  2. He is an Admiral of the Fleet.他是海军元帅。
  3. The fleet is manoeuvring in the Baltic.该舰队正在波罗的海演习。
  4. A defector revealed the disposition of the enemy fleet.有一名叛变者透露了敌方舰队的部署。
  5. The ferry was refitted as a troop-ship and joined the fleet.那艘渡轮已改装为运兵船编入舰队。
  6. The foremost position in an army or a fleet advancing into battle.前卫,尖兵进入战斗的部队或船队的最前面的位置
  7. The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions.将军命令舰队原地待命。


n.(名词)A number of warships operating together under one command.舰队:在统一指挥下一齐行动的一批军舰A group of vessels or vehicles, such as taxicabs or fishing boats, owned or operated as a unit.车队;船队:如出租汽车或渔船等作为一个整体归属或行动的一队船只或车辆
来源:Middle English flete 中古英语 flete from Old English flôot 源自 古英语 flôot from flôotan [to float] * see pleu- 源自 flôotan [飘浮] *参见 pleu-

fleet 2
adj.(形容词)fleet.er,fleet.est Moving swiftly; rapid or nimble.See Synonyms at fast 轻捷的,快速的:行动得迅速的;快的或敏捷的参见 fastFleeting; evanescent.短暂的;转瞬即逝的v.(动词)fleet.ed,fleet.ing,fleets v.intr.(不及物动词)To move or pass swiftly.急驰:迅速地移动或经过To fade out; vanish.渐弱;消失Archaic To flow.【古语】 流动Obsolete To drift.【废语】 飘流v.tr.(及物动词)To cause (time) to pass quickly.使(时间)飞逝Nautical To alter the position of (tackle or rope, for example).【航海】 变换(如滑车索具或绳索的)位置
来源:Probably from Old Norse fljôtr 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 fljôtr V., from Middle English fleten [to drift, float] 动词,源自 中古英语 fleten [飘流,飘浮] from Old English flôotan * see pleu- 源自 古英语 flôotan *参见 pleu-