clip是什么意思 clip在线中文翻译



n. 修剪, 夹子, 回形针, 剪下来的东西
vt. 修剪, 痛打, 夹牢, 剪报
vi. 剪报
【医】 小夹


动词过去式:clipped 过去分词:clipped 现在分词:clipping 第三人称单数:clips 


名词 clip:

  1. a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun同义词:cartridge holder, cartridge clip, magazine
  2. an instance or single occasion for some event同义词:time
  3. any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together
  4. an article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress
  5. the act of clipping or snipping同义词:clipping, snip
  6. a sharp slanting blow

动词 clip:

  1. sever or remove by pinching or snipping同义词:nip, nip off, snip, snip off
  2. run at a moderately swift pace同义词:trot, jog
  3. attach with a clip
  4. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of同义词:snip, crop, trim, lop, dress, prune, cut back
  5. terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent同义词:curtail, cut short


  1. She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。
  2. We clipped our visit by a week.我们将访问缩短了一周。
  3. The bus driver clipped our tickets to show we had used them.公共汽车司机在我们的车票上打孔,标明使用过了。


v.(动词)clipped,,clips及物动词)To cut, cut off, or cut out with or as if with shears:削减,剪断:用或好象用剪刀剪、剪掉或剪除:例句:clip coupons; clipped three seconds off the record.削减配给票;从纪录中减少三秒
To make shorter by cutting; trim:修剪,使剪短:通过剪使变短;修剪:例句:clip a hedge.修剪篱笆
To cut off the edge of:剪取…的边端:例句:clip a coin.毁坏硬币的边缘
To cut short; curtail.截短;缩短
To shorten (a word or words) by leaving out letters or syllables.省略,简略:通过去除字母或音节来缩短(单词)To enunciate with clarity and precision:清晰明确地发音:例句:clip one`s words.清晰地说出一字一句
Informal To hit with a sharp blow:【非正式用语】 痛打,重击:猛烈有力地击打:例句:clipped me under the eye.猛击我的眼睛
Slang To cheat, swindle, or rob.【俚语】 欺骗,诈骗,抢劫v.intr.(不及物动词)To cut something.剪下,修剪Informal To move rapidly.【非正式用语】 疾飞而过n.(名词)The act of clipping.修剪:剪的动作Something clipped off, especially:剪下的东西,尤指:The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.一次剪下的羊毛,如绵羊A season`s shearing.一季剪下的羊毛量A short extract from a film or videotape.剪辑:从电影胶片或录相带剪出的片断Informal A quick, sharp blow:【非正式用语】 猛击:快速猛烈的一击:例句:a clip on the ear.一记猛烈的耳光
Informal A pace or rate:【非正式用语】 步伐,节奏:例句:go at a fast clip.快步走
A single occasion; a time:一次;单独:例句:could write nine pages at a clip.一次可写九页
clips A pair of shears or clippers. clips 剪刀,大剪刀
来源:Middle English clippen 中古英语 clippen from Old Norse klippa 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 klippa

clip 2
n.(名词)Any of various devices for gripping or holding things together; a clasp or fastener.夹子,扣钩:一种把物品夹在一起的设备;夹子或扣钩A piece of jewelry that fastens with a clasp or clip; a brooch.胸针:用夹子或别针固定的一件首饰;胸针A cartridge clip.子弹夹Football An act of clipping.【橄榄球】 背后绊人犯规及物动词)clipped,,clips To fasten with or as if with a clip; hold tightly.夹牢,夹紧:用或好象用夹子固定;紧紧抓住Football To block (an opponent who is not carrying the ball) illegally from the rear.【橄榄球】 背后绊人犯规:从(未抢球的对方球员)身后非法冲撞Archaic To embrace or encompass.【古语】 拥抱或围绕
来源:Middle English [hook] 中古英语 [钩子] from clippen [to clasp, embrace] 源自 clippen [抱紧,拥抱] from Old English clyppan 源自 古英语 clyppan