blade是什么意思 blade在线中文翻译



n. 叶片, 刀锋, 刀口, 剑
【医】 页[片], 叶片, 刀片, 刀刃, 刀口




名词 blade:

  1. especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole同义词:leaf blade
  2. a dashing young man
  3. something long and thin resembling a blade of grass
  4. a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard同义词:sword, brand, steel
  5. a cut of beef from the shoulder blade
  6. a broad flat body part (as of the shoulder or tongue)
  7. the part of the skate that slides on the ice
  8. flat surface that rotates and pushes against air or water同义词:vane
  9. the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge


  1. The blade slashed his leg open.刀刃把他的腿划破了。
  2. A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument.利刃一种薄而锋利的侧边,如切割用具的刀锋
  3. The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade.锋利程度切割刀锋的锋利程度
  4. The blade is chipped in a few places.刀锋有几个地方缺口。
  5. The blade needs sharpening.这刀刃需要磨一磨。


n.(名词)The flat-edged cutting part of a sharpened weapon or tool.刀刃:削磨用的武器或工具的刀口处用来切割的部分
A sword.剑A swordsman.剑手A dashing youth.浮荡少年A flat, thin part or section:扁平或薄的部分或一段:例句:the blade of an oar; the blade of a food processor.桨叶;食品加工机叶片
The metal runner of an ice skate.滑冰鞋金属冰刀A wide flat bone or bony part.一宽而平的骨头或骨的部分The flat upper surface of the tongue just behind the tip.舌面:舌尖后平的上部表面Botany The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.【植物学】 叶片:叶子或花瓣的展开部分。此词经常被不严格地用于泛指草和类似植物的叶子总称
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English blôd * see bhel- 3源自 古英语 blôd *参见 bhel- 3