awkward是什么意思 awkward在线中文翻译



a. 笨拙的, 棘手的


名词:awkwardness 副词:awkwardly 


awkward, clumsy
awkward: 侧重缺乏优雅、机敏和技巧。用于物时,指使用不便。
clumsy: 指人时,侧重行动笨拙;指物时,侧重制作粗陋或体积、重量过大而呈现笨重。


形容词 awkward:

  1. causing inconvenience
  2. lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance
  3. difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape同义词:bunglesome, clumsy, ungainly
  4. not elegant or graceful in expression同义词:clumsy, cumbersome, inapt, inept, ill-chosen
  5. hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment同义词:embarrassing, sticky, unenviable
  6. not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner同义词:ill at ease, uneasy


  1. The heavy ax was awkward to use.这把重斧头不好用。
  2. Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.你的拒绝让我感到十分为难。
  3. At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。


adj.(形容词)Not graceful; ungainly.不优雅的;难看的
Not dexterous; clumsy.不灵巧的;不灵活的Clumsily or unskillfully performed:笨拙地或不熟练地表演的:例句:The opera was marred by an awkward aria.整部歌剧毁在咏叹调部分的不够熟练
Difficult to handle or manage:不顺手的:难处理或管理的:例句:an awkward bundle to carry.携带不便的包裹
Difficult to effect; uncomfortable:难以实施的;不舒服的:例句:an awkward pose.不舒服的姿势
Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort:尴尬的:以造成窘迫和不舒服为特征的:例句:an awkward remark; an awkward silence.令人窘迫的评论;令人尴尬的沉默
Requiring great tact, ingenuity, skill, and discretion:棘手的,难处理的:要求非常老练、机智、熟练和谨慎的:例句:An awkward situation arose during the peace talks.在和平谈判中出现了棘手的情况
来源:Middle English awkeward [in the wrong way] 中古英语 awkeward [以错误的方式] awke [wrong] from Old Norse ôfugr [backward] * see apo- awke [错误的] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 ôfugr [向后的] *参见 apo- -ward [-ward] -ward [后缀,表方向]
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>awkward,clumsy,maladroit,inept,gauche,ungainly同义词>These adjectives mean lacking grace or skill in movement, manner, or performance.这些形容词意指在活动、举止或表演上缺少优雅和技巧。 Awkward and clumsy, the least specific,are often interchangeable.Both emphasize lack of physical dexterity ( Awkward an awkward dancer; clumsy fingers); both can also suggest embarrassment or lack of ease ( clumsy 无大的差别,经常是可互换的。两者都是强调缺少身体的灵活性( 例句:不灵活的跳舞者;
例句:several awkward moments in the discussion; offered a clumsy apology). 笨人); 两者也都暗示窘迫或不自在(
Maladroit implies tactlessness or lack of skill in social relations: 讨论中一些令人窘迫的时刻;a maladroit comment.
Inept applies to inappropriate actions and speech: Maladroit 指在社会交往中不得体或缺少技巧: 例句:If the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it nowô不得体的评论。
Gauche suggests a lack of social polish: Inept 指不适当的行为或言谈: 例句:too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate.如果谣言是真的,还有比现在来重复它更不适当的吗?
Ungainly implies a visible lack of grace in form or movement: Gauche 暗示缺少社会磨练: 例句:long, ungainly legs;过于笨拙以致在谈话变得过于密切时无法离开房间。
an ungainly gesture. Ungainly 指在形体或运动上明显地缺少优雅: 例句:难看的长腿;
例句:不雅的姿势。 ô<单词块><单词>awl单词>---------------另--------------awl
n.(名词)A pointed tool for making holes, as in wood or leather.钻子:一种在木头或皮革上打洞用的尖角工具
来源:Middle English aul 中古英语 aul probably blend of Old English ôl 可能混合了 古英语 ôl Old English awel [fleshhook] 古英语 awel [肉钩]