absolute是什么意思 absolute在线中文翻译



a. 绝对的, 专制的, 完全的, 独立的
n. 绝对事物
【医】 绝对的, 纯的
【经】 绝对的, 纯粹的, 确实的
in absolute terms




名词 absolute:

  1. something that is conceived to be absolute; something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control

形容词 absolute:

  1. perfect or complete or pure
  2. complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers同义词:downright, out-and-out, rank, right-down, sheer
  3. not limited by law
  4. expressing finality with no implication of possible change同义词:conclusive
  5. without conditions or limitations同义词:total, unconditioned
  6. not capable of being violated or infringed同义词:infrangible, inviolable


  1. Her new dress is an absolute dream.她的新连衣裙漂亮极了。
  2. That child is an absolute pest!那孩子讨厌极了!
  3. That interview was an absolute libel on the honest man.那篇报道完全是对那个老实人的诽谤。
  4. My secretary is an absolute gem.我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。
  5. I have absolute trust in the (skill of) doctors.我绝对相信医生(的医术).
  6. That's absolute nonsense!真是一派胡言!
  7. We now have the absolute proof of his guilt.我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。