Europa是什么意思 Europa在线中文翻译



【经】 欧罗巴


名词 europa:

  1. the 4th largest of Jupiter's satellites; covered with a smooth shell of frozen water


  1. Europa arose, and began to seek the dear maidens of her company.欧罗巴起床来,去找那一群跟她一同游乐的姑娘。
  2. A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death.弥诺斯克里特岛之王,宙斯和欧罗巴之子,死后成为地府的三个法官之一
  3. Jupiter is Love Europa.朱庇特对欧罗巴的爱慕。

n.(名词)Greek Mythology A Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus, who had assumed the form of a white bull, and by him the mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon.【希腊神话】 欧罗巴:腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作白牛,将其劫至克里特岛,是迈诺斯,拉达曼西斯,薛尔泊冬的母亲One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the seventh in distance from the planet. It was originally sighted by Galileo.木卫二:木星最亮的四颗行星之一,与木星的距离排在其卫星的第七位,最早为伽俐略观测到
来源:Latin Eurôpa 拉丁语 Eurôpa from Greek Eurôpô 源自 希腊语 Eurô