glitch是什么意思 glitch在线中文翻译



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名词 glitch:

  1. a fault or defect in a system or machine同义词:bug


n.(名词)A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag:小故障,小毛病:小故障,小灾祸或次要的技术问题;障碍:例句:a computer glitch; a navigational glitch; a glitch in the negotiations.计算机故障;航海事故;谈判障碍
A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power.假信号:由一种多余的短暂电力增加引起的一种假的或杂散的电子信号Astronomy A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star.【天文学】 中子星旋转周期的突然变化
来源:Probably from Yiddish glitsh [a slip, lapse] 可能源自 意第绪语 glitsh [失误,疏忽] from glitshn [to slip] 源自 glitshn [小错,失误] from Middle High German glitschen 源自 中古高地德语 glitschen alteration of gloten [to glide] gloten的变化 [疏忽,闪失] from Old High German glotan * see ghel- 2源自 古高地德语 glotan *参见 ghel- 2
adj.(形容词)<注释>Although in retrospectglitch seems to be a word that people would always have found useful, it is first recorded in English in 9'2in the writing of John Glenn:.Another term we adopted to describe some of our problems was ‘glitch.’.Glenn then gives the technical sense of the word the astronauts had adopted:.Literally, a glitch is a spike or change in voltage in an electrical current..In this very passage we see how the word moved from its narrow, technical electronic sense to a more general sense, even if the astronauts were not necessarily the first to extend the meaning ofglitch. Since then the word has passed beyond technical useand now covers a wide variety of malfunctions and mishaps.回溯历史,尽管glitch 似乎是一个向来有用的单词, 但是直到9'2年它才首次在英语中有记录,在约翰·格林著作中:.我们所采用的另一个用来描述我们的问题的词汇是‘glitch’.。格林给这个词下了为宇航员所采用的专业定义, .严格来说,glitch是指电流中电压受阻或变化。.。在这里,即使宇航员不一定是第一个引申了glitch 的含义,可是我们看到这个词是如何从它狭义的电子技术上的意义发展到更普遍的意义。 此后这个词超出了技术上的使用范围,现在可指多种功能故障和灾祸注释>