flicker是什么意思 flicker在线中文翻译



n. 闪烁, 闪光, 颤动
vi. 闪动, 闪烁, 摇动, 扑动翅膀
vt. 使摇曳, 使闪烁
【医】 闪烁光


动词过去式:flickered 过去分词:flickered 现在分词:flickering 第三人称单数:flickers 


名词 flicker:

  1. a momentary flash of light同义词:spark, glint
  2. North American woodpecker
  3. the act of moving back and forth同义词:waver, flutter

动词 flicker:

  1. move back and forth very rapidly同义词:waver, flitter, flutter, quiver
  2. shine unsteadily同义词:flick
  3. flash intermittently同义词:flick


  1. All the lights flickered for a moment.所有的灯都闪了一会儿。
  2. A slender smile still flickered across her face.她脸上闪过一丝微笑。


v.(动词)flick.ered,flick.er.ing,flick.ers v.intr.(不及物动词)To move waveringly; flutter:摇曳:摇摆不定地移动;颤动:例句:shadows flickering on the wall.See Synonyms at flutter 墙上摇曳的影子参见 flutter
To burn unsteadily or fitfully.(火焰)忽明忽暗:不稳地或一阵阵地燃烧v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to move waveringly.使摇曳:使摇摆不定地动n.(名词)A brief movement; a tremor.短暂的运动;震动An inconstant or wavering light.闪光:闪烁不定或摇曳的光A brief or slight sensation:短暂的念头:短暂而轻微的感觉:例句:a flicker of doubt.一丝疑虑
Slang A movie.【俚语】 电影
来源:Middle English flikeren [to flutter] 中古英语 flikeren [颤动] from Old English flicerian 源自 古英语 flicerian

flicker 2
n.(名词)Any of various large North American woodpeckers of the genusColaptes, especially C. auratus, the common flicker, having a brown back, spotted breast, and white rump. 扑动鴷:北美洲多种大的扑动鴷 属啄木鸟中的一种,尤指 扑动鴷, 通常长着褐色的背部、带斑点的胸部和白色的尾部
来源:Perhaps from flick 可能源自 flick