cake是什么意思 cake在线中文翻译



n. 蛋糕, 块, 饼
vt. 使结块, 加块状物于
vi. 结块
【医】 饼; 饼状物
take the cake
have one's cake and eat it


动词过去式:caked 过去分词:caked 现在分词:caking 第三人称单数:cakes 


名词 cake:

  1. a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)同义词:bar
  2. small flat mass of chopped food同义词:patty
  3. made from or based on a mixture of flour and sugar and eggs

动词 cake:

  1. form a coat over同义词:coat


  1. We soon dispatched the chocolate cake.我们很快就吃完了巧克力蛋糕。
  2. He passed me one fifth of the cake.他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。
  3. Blood from the wound had caked on his face.伤口的血在他脸上结成了硬块。
  4. Jack's shoes were caked with mud in a country road after a shower.阵雨过后走在乡村小路上,杰克的鞋子上沾了些泥块。
  5. The newly published American novel sold like hot cakes.那部新出版的美国小说是市场上的畅销货。


n.(名词)A sweet baked food made of flour, liquid, eggs, and other ingredients, and usually served in rectangular, square, or rounded layer form.蛋糕:一种由面粉、液体、蛋和其它成分而制成的烤制甜食,通常呈长方形、正方形或圆形A flat, rounded mass of dough or batter, such as a pancake that is baked or fried.薄饼:一块平的、圆形的面团或面糊,如烘烤或煎制而成的薄煎饼A flat, rounded mass of hashed or chopped food that is baked or fried; a patty.炸酥块:一块烘烤或煎制而成的切碎或切细的平圆形食物;一种小馅饼A shaped or molded piece, as of soap or ice.块状物:塑成的或模制块状物,如肥皂或冰A layer or deposit of compacted matter:沉积物:紧实物质的一层或沉淀:例句:a cake of grime in the oven.炉里的污垢层
v.(动词)caked,,cakes及物动词)To cover or fill with a thick layer, as of compacted matter:涂厚厚的一层:用一厚层物质来盖任或填满,比如使用紧实物质:例句:a miner whose face was caked with soot.脸上布满煤灰的矿工
v.intr.(不及物动词)To become formed into a compact or crusty mass:结成块:形成紧密的或有硬壳的块:例句:As temperatures dropped, the wet snow caked.随着温度的下降,潮湿的雪结成了块
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old Norse kaka 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 kaka