efficiency是什么意思 efficiency在线中文翻译



n. 效率, 效能, 功效
【医】 效率, 效力
【经】 效率, 效能




名词 efficiency:

  1. the ratio of the output to the input of any system
  2. skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort


  1. We were most impressed with/by your efficiency.你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。
  2. The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency.这两家公司已合并以提高效率。
  3. Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.以提高功效为依据可以证明采取这种措施是正确的。
  4. Such considerations are secondary to our main aim of improving efficiency.对於我们提高效率的主要目的来说,这些想法都是次要的。
  5. I had a chance to impress her with my efficiency and I muffed it up.我本来有机会使她了解我的办事效率,但是我错过了这个机会。
  6. His illness has impaired his efficiency.生病降低了他的效率。
  7. Their labor efficiency is very high.他们的工作效率很高。
  8. We must improve our efficiency as soon as possible.我们必须尽快地提高工作效率。


n.(名词)【复数】 ef.fi.cien.cies 缩写 eff.
The quality or property of being efficient.效能:有功效的特征或性质The degree to which this quality is exercised:功效:这种特征所能达到的程度:例句:The program was implemented with great efficiency and speed.项目以极大的效率和速度被实施
The ratio of the effective or useful output to the total input in any system.效率:在某一系统中有效的或有用的产出与总投入的比率The ratio of the energy delivered by a machine to the energy supplied for its operation.功率:机器做一定功所发出的能量与其总能量的比An efficiency apartment.公寓小套间