furnish是什么意思 furnish在线中文翻译



vt. 供给, 提供, 装设
【化】 供应; 供给; 配料
furnish...with sth


名词:furnisher 动词过去式:furnished 过去分词:furnished 现在分词:furnishing 第三人称单数:furnishes 


动词 furnish:

  1. provide or furnish with同义词:supply, provide, render
  2. provide or equip with furniture


  1. They scouted around for some antiques to furnish their new apartment.他们到处搜罗一些古董来装饰新居。
  2. Something, such as a recording or a photograph, that can be used to furnish evidence or information.证件,证据可以用来提供证据或信息的记录或照片等类的东西
  3. I am bound to furnish my antagonists with arguments, but not with comprehension.我一定要向对手提供争论点,但并无予以理解的必要。
  4. They are renting a furnished flat.他们租用了一套带有家具的公寓房子。
  5. The shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.这家商店供应各种野营用品。


v.tr.(及物动词)fur.nished,fur.nish.ing,fur.nish.es To equip with what is needed, especially to provide furniture for.装备,摆设:尤指配备家具等所需之物To supply; give:供应;提供:例句:.The story of Orpheus has furnished Pope with an illustration.(Thomas Bulfinch).俄耳甫斯的传说为蒲柏提供了例证.(托马斯·布兰芬奇)
来源:Middle English furnisshen 中古英语 furnisshen from Old French fournir fourniss- 源自 古法语 fournir fourniss- [of Germanic origin] * see per [源于日耳曼语] *参见 per
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>furnish,equip,outfit,appoint,accouter同义词>These verbs mean to provide with what is necessary for an activity or a purpose.这些动词都指为某活动或目的的需要而供应。 Furnish refers primarily to the provision of basic necessities: Furnish 主要指提供基本必需品: 例句:furnished the new apartment;为新房间配备家具;
例句:furnish a boat with care.精心为船安装设备。
Equip usually implies the provision of more specialized items for a particular need or a particular service: Equip 通常指为特殊需要或特别服务而提供更特定的物品: 例句:equip a car with snow tires.为轿车配备防滑轮胎。
Outfit suggests comprehensive provision of necessary items for a larger purpose, as for an expedition: Outfit 指为更大目标,如远征探险提供所有必需品: 例句:outfitting the children for summer camp. Toappoint is to provide with furnishings and often accessories, usually of a tasteful kind: 为参加夏令营的孩子们装备各种必需品。 Appoint 指提供通常有品味的装饰,常为附加物:
例句:a library that was appointed in leather.用皮草装饰起来的图书馆。
Accouter refers most often to providing with articles of equipment,especially for military service: Accouter 经常用于指供应设备,尤指用于军事服务的设施: 例句:knights who were accoutered for battle. 准备好战斗的骑士们