flip-flop是什么意思 flip-flop在线中文翻译



n. 啪嗒啪嗒的响声, 向后翻的筋斗, 突然改变, 双稳态多谐振荡器, 触发器
【计】 触发器, 劈拍
【化】 翻转


名词 flip-flop:

  1. a decision to reverse an earlier decision同义词:reversal, change of mind, turnabout, turnaround
  2. a backless sandal held to the foot by a thong between the big toe and the second toe同义词:thong
  3. an electronic circuit that can assume either of two stable states
  4. a backward somersault

动词 flip-flop:

  1. reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)同义词:interchange, tack, switch, alternate, flip


n.(名词)The movement or sound of repeated flapping.啪嗒啪嗒的动作,吧嗒吧嗒声:反复拍击的动作或声音A backward somersault or handspring.后翻斤斗:向后翻的筋斗或后手翻Informal A reversal, as of a stand or position:【非正式用语】 逆转:立场或位置的变更:例句:a foreign policy flip-flop.外交政策的转向
A backless, often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.扣拇指胶底凉鞋:一种在大脚趾处用一根带子固定在脚上的无背的、通常用泡沫橡胶制成的凉鞋Electronics An electronic circuit or mechanical device capable of assuming either of two stable states, especially a computer circuit used to store a single bit of information.【电子学】 触发器,双稳态多谐振荡器:一种能采用两种稳定状态中任一种的电子电路或机械装置,尤指用于储存单个信息单位的计算机电路