corresponding是什么意思 corresponding在线中文翻译



a. 相当的, 一致的, 通信的
【计】 对应
corresponding to




动词 correspond:

  1. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics同义词:match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree
  2. be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics同义词:equate, correspond
  3. exchange messages同义词:correspond
  4. take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to同义词:represent, stand for, correspond

形容词 corresponding:

  1. accompanying
  2. similar especially in position or purpose
  3. conforming in every respect同义词:comparable, like
  4. agreeing in amount, magnitude, or degree同义词:proportionate, in proportion to


  1. Are you still corresponding with your parents?你一直在和你父母通信吗?
  2. Either of two corresponding parallels of celestial latitude that are the limits of the apparent northern and southern passages of the sun.(天球的)回归线代表太阳经过的最北视界线与最南视界线的两条相应的天球纬线
  3. A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about30 days or4 weeks.月大约和月亮盈亏的一个周期相当的时间单位,或约三十天或四周
  4. A device that enables a user entity to log in, for example, to identify itself, its purpose and the time of entry; and to log out with the corresponding data so that the appropriate accounting procedures may be carried out in accordance with the operating system.使用户实体能够注册(例如标识用户本身、注册目的以及进入时间)的一种装置,并能和相应的数据一起注销,以便配合操作系统办理适当的记帐手续。

adj.Abbr. cor.(形容词)缩写 cor.Having the same or nearly the same relationship.相同关系:具有相同或几乎相同的关系的Accompanying another:伴随与另一个的:例句:a high corporate position and its corresponding problems.高度自治的状况及其相随的问题
Having been assigned the responsibility of written communications:通讯:负有通信联系任务的:例句:a corresponding secretary.负责通信的秘书
Participating at a distance from the rest of a group:会员:参与的时候远离其它人群:例句:a corresponding member of the bar association.酒吧协会的通讯会员