booming是什么意思 booming在线中文翻译



a. 急速发展的
【经】 暴涨的, 大受欢迎的


动词 boom:

  1. make a resonant sound, like artillery同义词:boom, din
  2. hit hard同义词:smash, nail, boom, blast
  3. be the case that thunder is being heard同义词:thunder, boom
  4. make a deep hollow sound同义词:boom, boom out
  5. grow stronger同义词:boom, prosper, thrive, get ahead, flourish, expand

形容词 booming:

  1. very lively and profitable同义词:flourishing, palmy, prospering, prosperous, roaring, thriving
  2. used of the voice同义词:stentorian


  1. The computer industry is booming.计算机业繁荣起来。
  2. Technology is a booming sector of the economy.技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
  3. The opera singer has a deep, booming, masculine voice.这位歌剧演唱家有一副深沉而又浑厚有力的嗓音。“He”
  4. Market booming sizable quantity report exchange hand at vary price15.5to16.25 corresponding7% to12% rise市场旺盛,据报道成交量很大:价格约涨7%到12%, 在15。50到16。25之间。