get over是什么意思 get over在线中文翻译

get over[.get 'əuvə]


爬过, 克服, 熬过, 恢复, 原谅


动词 get over:

  1. travel across or pass over同义词:traverse, track, cover, cross, pass over, get across, cut through, cut across
  2. to bring (a necessary but unpleasant task) to an end
  3. improve in health同义词:get well, bounce back
  4. get on top of; deal with successfully同义词:overcome, subdue, surmount, master


  1. He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it.他因没有得到那份工作而大失所望,不过他能想得开。
  2. I can't get over how rude she was.她很粗野,我仍心有余悸。
  3. I can't get over (ie I'm still amazed by) how much your children have grown.我一直在想你的孩子竟长这麽大了。
  4. I can't get over that shirt he was wearing.我觉得他穿的那件衬衣真可笑。
  5. Get over yourself.别自以为是。
  6. Only if presented in this way can your idea get over to the audience.只有用这样的方式提出来,你的意思才能使听从明白。
  7. I was still get over peter when I met and fell in love with Harry.我与彼得情思未断之际,却遇上了哈里又生恋情。
  8. He have get over the language barrier.他已克服了语言障碍。