booster是什么意思 booster在线中文翻译



n. 向前推的人, 支持者, 后援者, 升压器
【化】 爆管; 扩爆药; 传爆药; 升压机; 增压装置; 升压器; 助促进剂
【医】 升压器, 升压机, 爆管, 扩爆器, 辅助剂, 激发剂


名词 booster:

  1. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.同义词:supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, friend
  2. someone who is an active supporter and advocate同义词:promoter, plugger
  3. a thief who steals goods that are in a store同义词:shoplifter, lifter
  4. an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal同义词:booster amplifier, booster station, relay link, relay station, relay transmitter
  5. the first stage of a multistage rocket同义词:booster rocket, booster unit, takeoff booster, takeoff rocket
  6. an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective同义词:booster dose, booster shot, recall dose


  1. Expendable rocket boosters.不能再用的助推火箭
  2. Our vet is very efficient; he sends us a reminder when the cat is due for a booster vaccination as a matter of course.我们的兽医工作效率很高,当猫要按时免疫接种时,他总给我们寄一张提醒单来。

n.(名词)One that boosts, as:推动者:一个推动的人或物,如:A device for increasing power or effectiveness.起推动作用的辅助装置:用来增加动力或效力的装置An enthusiastic promoter, as of a sports team or school.积极的支持者:某体育运动队或学校等的热情支持者Electronics A radio-frequency amplifier.【电子学】 辅助放大器:一种无线电频率放大器The primary stage of a multistage rocket that provides the main thrust for launch, liftoff, and initial flight.助推器:多级火箭的第一级,为发射、升空和最初飞行提供主要推力A booster shot.强化注射剂量Slang One who steals goods on display in a store.【俚语】 商店扒手:偷商店摆设的货物的扒手