employment是什么意思 employment在线中文翻译



n. 雇用, 职业, 工作
【经】 职业, 雇用, 职工招请
lose employment
be out of employment
in the employment of...
get employment


profession, job, occupation, trade, vocation, career, work, employment
profession: 以前常指要受过高等教育(尤指法律、医学和神学)才能获得的职业,现在一般指为谋生之职,尤指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练,具有某种专业知识的工作。
job: 泛指一切有报酬的工作。
occupation: 泛指任何一种职业,比job正式,经常用于书面填表中。
trade: 指技巧、技能型职业。
vocation: 较正式用词,语气庄重,有专业及天职之意,以前常用于教会中的职位。
career: 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。
work: 指任何种类的工作,也泛指职业。
employment: 指受雇的工作,通常能比较稳定领取工资。


名词 employment:

  1. the state of being employed or having a job同义词:employ
  2. the occupation for which you are paid同义词:work
  3. the act of giving someone a job同义词:engagement
  4. the act of using同义词:use, usage, utilization, utilisation, exercise


  1. The government made an investigation of the employment in the public and private sectors.政府对国营和私营部门的就业情况作了一次调查。
  2. She is looking for permanent employment.她正在找固定的工作。
  3. A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.必须具备大专院校的学位才能从事这一级的工作。
  4. I got this job through an employment agency.我通过职业介绍所找到了这份工作。
  5. He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。
  6. Dictionary-making has not been his exclusive employment.编字典一直都不是他唯一的工作。
  7. He is out of employment.他失业了。


The act of employing.雇佣:雇佣的行为The state of being employed.被雇佣的状态The work in which one is engaged; occupation.某人所从事的工作;职业An activity to which one devotes time.(某人)从事的活动:某人所投入时间的活动The percentage or number of people gainfully employed:就业率,受雇人数:受雇百分比或人数:例句:.a vicious spiral of rising prices under full employment.(William Henry Beveridge).在就业饱和的情况下,价格上涨恶性循环.(威廉·亨利·贝弗里奇)
n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另一个名词:例句:employment opportunities; employment counselors.就业机会;就业咨询者