easygoing是什么意思 easygoing在线中文翻译



a. 脾气随和的, 逍遥自在的, 悠闲的, 懒散的


形容词 easygoing:

  1. not hurried or forced同义词:easy, leisurely
  2. not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship同义词:cushy, soft
  3. relaxed and informal in attitude or standards
  4. living without undue worry; taking life easy同义词:calm, placid


  1. One who is regarded as easygoing, mild-mannered, or amiable.讨人喜欢的人被认为随和,态度温和,或和蔼可亲的人
  2. Our manager's an easygoing person; she never gets angry."我们的经理是个随和的人,她从不发怒。"
  3. My mother doesn't mind who comes to stay, she's very easygoing.我母亲不在乎有什麽人来住,她非常随和


easygoing 也作 eas.y-go.ing
Living without undue worry or concern; calm.舒适的:生活不过于烦恼或担忧的;平和的Lax or negligent; careless.懒散的:放松的或疏忽的;粗心的Relaxed or informal in attitude or standards:随便的:态度或标准放宽的或不正规的:例句:an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments.随和的老师会允许学生迟交作业
Not rigorous, demanding, or stressful:懒散的:无生气的、懒散的或困顿的:例句:an easygoing life as a part-time consultant.过着安逸日子兼职顾问
Leisurely; unhurried:从容的:闲适的;不着急的:例句:an easygoing pace.步伐从容