beggar是什么意思 beggar在线中文翻译



n. 乞丐
vt. 使贫穷, 使成乞丐
【法】 乞丐


动词过去式:beggared 过去分词:beggared 现在分词:beggaring 第三人称单数:beggars 


名词 beggar:

  1. a pauper who lives by begging同义词:mendicant

动词 beggar:

  1. be beyond the resources of
  2. reduce to beggary同义词:pauperize, pauperise


  1. The beggar shivered in his scanty clothes.乞丐穿着单薄,冻得发抖。
  2. The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes.那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
  3. The beggar fell down in a swoon from sheer hunger.那个乞丐饿得晕倒了。
  4. The beggar dressed in rags.这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。
  5. They were beggared by trying to pay for their son's education.为付儿子的教育费用,他们变穷了。


n.(名词)One who solicits alms for a living.乞丐:为了生活乞求救济品的人An impoverished person; a pauper.穷人:贫困的人;贫民Informal A man or a boy.【非正式用语】 男人,男孩及物动词)beg.gared,,beg.gars To make a beggar of; impoverish.使成为乞丐;使穷困To exceed the limits, resources, or capabilities of:超过…的限度、资源或能力:例句:beauty that beggars description.无法描绘的美丽
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French begart 源自 古法语 begart ultimately from Middle Dutch beggaert [one who rattles off prayers] 最终源自 中古荷兰语 beggaert [飞快说出乞求的人]