balance是什么意思 balance在线中文翻译



n. 平衡, 差额
vi. 平衡, 相等
vt. 称, 权衡, 比较, 使平衡, 结算, 抵消
【化】 天平
【医】 平衡, 天平
【经】 差额, 余额, 结余
to hold the balance
to keep one's balance
to lose one's balance
to redress the balance
to strike a balance
to throw sb off his balance
to tremble in the balance
on balance
be out of balance


动词过去式:balanced 过去分词:balanced 现在分词:balancing 第三人称单数:balances 


remainder, surplus, rest, remains, balance
remainder: 含义较广,可指数学运算中的余数,也指从整体取走或用掉部分后的所余部分,或一群人走掉一部分剩下的人。
surplus: 表盈余。
rest: 最普通用词与定冠词连用,指任何指定数量的人或物等。
remains: 常指人或动物死后的遗体或遗骨,也指古代文明的遗迹或去世作家尚未发表的遗稿。
balance: 指支取存款的余额或减去各种开支后的尾数。


名词 balance:

  1. a state of equilibrium
  2. a scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity
  3. equality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
  4. harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design)- John Ruskin同义词:proportion, proportionality
  5. equality of distribution同义词:equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance
  6. something left after other parts have been taken away同义词:remainder, residual, residue, residuum, rest
  7. the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
  8. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Libra同义词:Libra
  9. the seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22同义词:Libra, Libra the Balance, Libra the Scales
  10. (mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane同义词:symmetry, symmetricalness, correspondence
  11. a weight that balances another weight同义词:counterweight, counterbalance, counterpoise, equalizer, equaliser
  12. a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat同义词:balance wheel

动词 balance:

  1. bring into balance or equilibrium同义词:equilibrate, equilibrize, equilibrise
  2. compute credits and debits of an account
  3. hold or carry in equilibrium同义词:poise
  4. be in equilibrium


  1. Do the firm's accounts balance?这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡?
  2. The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。
  3. All the parts of the building are in perfect balance.建筑物的各部分都显得非常匀称
  4. You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。
  5. The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。


n.(名词)A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless.天平,秤:一种称重量的器具,特别指那种中间有一个低摩擦支撑物水平悬吊在一根坚硬横杆上的秤,两个重量完全相等的秤盘挂在两头,一头盛未知的重物,另一头放有效砝码,用已知的数量抬高,直到横杆呈水平状态并且停止运动A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.平衡:平衡或均等的状态,具有所有力量被相反的力量所抵消的特点The power or means to decide.决定的力量或方法A state of bodily equilibrium.身体的平衡状态A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability.平静:稳定的精神或心理状态;情绪稳定A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design.调和;和谐:协调的,令人满意的各部分或各因素之间的安排或比例,如在一个图案中An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.平衡力:趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量;平衡、均衡The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences.制衡:两种相对立的力量或影响在大小上的差距Accounting 【会计学】 Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.收支平衡:在帐目中借方和贷方总数相等The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.收支差额:无论是贷方还是借方在总数上的差额Something that is left over; a remainder.余额:剩下的某物;余数Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.【化学】 化学平衡:反应式两边在质量或起反应的纯净电荷方面的均等Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等A balance wheel.摆轮v.(动词)bal.anced,,及物动词)To determine the weight of (something) in or as if in a weighing device.称重量:在或好象在称重量的器具中称(某物)的重量To compare by or as if by turning over in the mind:衡量:(好象)在脑子中反复地来回比较:例句:balanced the pros and cons before making a final decision.在做出最后决定前权衡赞成和反对两方面的意见
To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium.使平衡:进入或保持一种平衡状态To act as an equalizing weight or force to; counterbalance.使抵消:以相等的重量或力量做…;使平衡Accounting 【会计学】 To compute the difference between the debits and credits of (an account).计算收支差额:计算借方和贷方(在总数上)的差额To reconcile or equalize the sums of the debits and credits of (an account).使收支平衡:使借方和贷方的总额数相符或相等To settle (an account, for example) by paying what is owed.使帐目平衡:以支付所欠款来结算(例如,帐目)To bring into or keep in equal or satisfying proportion or harmony.使和谐,使谐调:进入或保持相等的或令人满意的比例或和谐状态Mathematics To bring (an equation) into balance.【数学】 使(方程式)平衡Chemistry To bring (an equation) into balance.【化学】 使(反应式)平衡To move toward and then away from (a dance partner).前后交替移动:向前移动然后再离开(舞伴)v.intr.(不及物动词)To be in or come into equilibrium.平衡:在或进入平衡状态To be equal or equivalent.均衡:相等或相当To sway or waver as if losing or regaining equilibrium.犹豫不决:摇摆或晃动,好象失去或恢复平衡To move toward and then away from a dance partner.前后交替移动:向前移动然后又远离舞伴
<习惯用语>in the balance
In an undetermined and often critical position:悬而未决;紧要关头:处于未确定的或经常是关键性的位置:例句:Our plans were left hanging in the balance. Resolution of these matters is still in the balance.我们的计划被搁置下来处于悬而未决的状态。这些事情的结果尚未可知
on balance
Taking everything into consideration; all in all.总而言之:将一切事情考虑在内;包括一切地习惯用语>来源:Middle English balaunce 中古英语 balaunce from Old French 源自 古法语 from Vulgar Latin *bilancia [having two scale pans] 源自 俗拉丁语 *bilancia [有两个带刻度秤盘的] from Latin bilanx 源自 拉丁语 bilanx bi- [two] * see dwo- bi- [两个] *参见 dwo- lanx [scale] lanx [刻度]
<参考词汇><同义词>balance,equilibrium,equipoise,poise同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .a state of stability resulting from the cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.: 这些名词所具有的共同的中心意思是.一种稳定的状态,产生于所有力量被相等的对立力量所抵消.: 例句:upsetting the balance of nature through the use of insecticides;由于杀虫剂的使用破坏自然界的平衡;
例句:equilibrium of power between Western and Eastern countries;东西方国家之间的权力均衡;
例句:the weights of a scale in equipoise;处于平衡状态的秤盘法码;
例句:a poise between disparate and contradictory emotions. See also Synonyms at proportion ,remainder imbalance 根本对立,相互矛盾的感情之间的平衡 参见同义词 proportion,remainderimbalance