citizen是什么意思 citizen在线中文翻译



n. 市民, 公民
【法】 公民, 国民, 市民




citizen, civilian, inhabitant, resident, native
citizen: 指拥有某国国籍或有某地区合法身份的人,即公民。
civilian: 指相对于军人或官员的平民百姓。
inhabitant: 最普通用词,一般指常住居民。
resident: 多指长期居住或暂时居住的民民,有时也指旅居者。
native: 指土生土长的本地居民。


名词 citizen:

  1. a native or naturalized member of a state or other political community


  1. He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30.他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30岁时成了英国公民。
  2. This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen.这项有关贿赂的指控是对一个正直公民的无耻诽谤。
  3. She is a lawful citizen.她是个守法的公民。
  4. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.他成为公民,并因此获得了选举权。
  5. This accusation of bribery is a vile smear on an honorable citizen.这项有关贿赂的指控是对一个正直公民的无耻诽谤。
  6. Bill Gates is an American citizen.比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
  7. Bad official is elected by good citizen who do not vote.坏官员,是由不投票的好市民选出来的。
  8. He is an eminent citizen of China.他是一个杰出的中国公民。


n.Abbr. cit.(名词)缩写 cit.A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation.公民:本国籍的或加入本国籍的效忠于国家并有权得到国家保护的人A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there.城镇居民:城市或镇的居民,尤指在城镇里有权投票并享有其它权利的人A civilian.平民A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place:居民:一个特定地方的本地出生者、居住者或入籍者:例句:.We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community.(Franklin D. Roosevelt).我们学会了作为世界的居民,人类社会的成员.(富兰克林.D.罗斯福)
来源:Middle English citisein 中古英语 citisein from Anglo-Norman citesein 源自 英法语 citesein probably alteration of Old French citeain 可能为 古法语 citeain的变化 from cite [city] * see city 源自 cite [城市] *参见 city
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>citizen,national,subject同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .a person owing allegiance to a nation or state and entitled to its protection.: 这些名词所共有的中心意义是.效忠于一个国家或地区并有权得到它的保护的人.: 例句:an American citizen;一个美国公民;
例句: a British national;一个英国国民;
例句:a French subject. 一个法国臣民