ether是什么意思 ether在线中文翻译



n. 醚, 苍天, 以太
【化】 醚; 以太
【医】 醚, *




名词 ether:

  1. a colorless volatile highly inflammable liquid formerly used as an inhalation anesthetic同义词:ethoxyethane, divinyl ether, vinyl ether, diethyl ether, ethyl ether
  2. the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies同义词:quintessence
  3. any of a class of organic compounds that have two hydrocarbon groups linked by an oxygen atom
  4. a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves同义词:aether


  1. The merciful magic of ether was not used that day, so the poor soul had to bear their pain as best they may.那天,由于没有使用能够魔术般解除疼痛的乙醚,那些可怜的人得尽量忍受他们的痛苦。
  2. A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds.一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。
  3. Ether was used formerly to put a patient to sleep before an operation.从前人们在手术前用乙醚来使病人昏睡。


n.(名词)Any of a class of organic compounds in which two hydrocarbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom.醚,乙醚:一类有机化合物,它们以一个氧原子与两个包含在烃基中的碳原子相连接为特征A volatile, highly flammable liquid, C2H 5OC 2H 5, derived from the distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid and widely used as a reagent, a solvent, and an anesthetic. Also called diethyl ether ,ethyl ether 乙烯:一种易挥发的,极易燃烧的液体C2H 5OC 2H 5,由乙醇与硫酸一起蒸馏获得,广泛用作试剂、溶剂和麻醉剂 也作 diethyl ether,ethyl etherThe regions of space beyond the earth`s atmosphere; the heavens.太空:超出地球大气层的空间区域;太空The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.天体要素:在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素Physics An all-pervading, infinitely elastic, massless medium formerly postulated as the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves.【物理学】 以太,能媒:一种在以前被假定为电磁波的传播媒质并具有绝对连续性、高度弹性的极其稀薄的媒体
来源:Middle English [upper air] 中古英语 [上层空气] from Latin aethôr 源自 拉丁语 aethôr from Greek aithôr 源自 希腊语 aithôr