highlighted是什么意思 highlighted在线中文翻译



a. 突出的
【计】 突出的


动词 highlight:

  1. move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent同义词:foreground, highlight, spotlight, play up
  2. apply a highlighter to one's cheeks or eyebrows in order to make them more prominent同义词:highlight


  1. In data security, an attack on the security of a computer system, undertaken to test the effectiveness of the security and to highlight any areas of weakness.在数据保密学中,对一个计算机系统的安全性的攻击,用以测试安全的有效性及暴露弱点。
  2. The menu will expand to show four preset positions and preset1 will automatically be highlighted.此菜单会展开显示四个预置位置,Preset1将自动变后。