display是什么意思 display在线中文翻译



n. 显示, 陈列, 炫耀, 显示器
vt. 陈列, 显示, 表现, 夸示
【计】 显示器; 显示
make a display of...


动词过去式:displayed 过去分词:displayed 现在分词:displaying 第三人称单数:displays 


show, exhibit, display, manifest, demonstrate
show: 泛指任何有意或无意地把东西给别人看的行为。
exhibit: 指公开或正式地展示,以便引人注目或让人检查。
display: 多指将某物陈列在显眼之处以便让发现其优点,侧重有意识地显示。
manifest: 书面正式用词,指明确地表明。
demonstrate: 指明显地表露感情。也指用实例、实验推理等手段表演证明,或论证某一问题。


名词 display:

  1. something intended to communicate a particular impression同义词:show
  2. something shown to the public同义词:exhibit, showing
  3. an electronic device that represents information in visual form同义词:video display
  4. a visual representation of something同义词:presentation
  5. behavior that makes your feelings public
  6. exhibiting openly in public view

动词 display:

  1. to show, make visible or apparent同义词:expose, exhibit
  2. make clear and visible同义词:reveal, show
  3. attract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals


  1. There are so many fancy cars on display here that I don't know which to buy.有这么多的豪华汽车在此展出,我不知要买哪一辆才好。
  2. The climax of the celebration was a firework display.庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。
  3. There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week.下星期这个博物馆将举办一个青铜雕塑作品展览。
  4. The bottles of whisky on display are all dummies.陈列的威士忌酒都是假的。
  5. His paintings are on display at the exhibition.他的绘画正在展览会上展出。
  6. The bestsellers were sold out before they were displayed.这些畅销书尚未陈列就卖光了。


v.(动词)dis.played,dis.play.ing,dis.plays v.tr.(及物动词)
To present or hold up to view.呈现;呈递:使展现或提供观看Computer Science To provide (information or graphics) on a screen.【计算机科学】 显示:在屏幕上提供(信息或图形)To give evidence of; manifest.证明:给出…的证据;表明To exhibit ostentatiously; show off.夸示;炫耀To be endowed with an identifiable form or character:长得:具有可辨的形式或性格:例句:a shrub that displays hardiness.长得很坚实的灌木
To express, as by gestures or bodily posture:肢体语言:用手势或身体的姿势表达:例句:a smirk that displayed contempt.表现出轻蔑的假笑
To spread out; unfurl:展开;伸展:例句:The peacock displayed its fan.孔雀展开了它的尾巴
v.intr.(不及物动词)Computer Science To provide information or graphics on a screen:【计算机科学】 显示:在屏幕上提供信息或显示图形:例句:a personal computer that displays and prints.显示并打印的个人电脑
The act of displaying.(动作)展现,展示,显露,表演A public exhibition.展览,陈列Objects or merchandise set out for viewing by the public.陈列品,展览品A demonstration or manifestation:显示,表现:例句:a display of temper.性情的表露
Biology A specialized pattern of behavior used to communicate visually, such as the presentation of colors or plumage by male birds as part of courtship or intimidation.【生物学】 (鸟、鱼等为求偶等而作的)炫耀行为:用于直观交际的一种特定行为模式,如雄鸟借炫耀色彩或羽毛来求偶或恫吓An instance of such behavior.这种行为的例子Ostentatious exhibition.炫耀,夸示An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.夸张的广告:为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题
Computer Science A device that gives information in a visual form, as on a screen.【计算机科学】 显示器,指示器:一种以视觉方式显示信息的装置,如荧光屏显示A visual representation of information.直观信息n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另一名词:例句:a display cabinet; picked display type for the new advertising campaign.陈列橱;为新的广告竞赛挑选醒目的式样
来源:Middle English displayen 中古英语 displayen from Anglo-Norman despleier 源自 英法语 despleier from Medieval Latin displic3re [to unfold] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 displic3re [未折叠] from Latin [to scatter] 源自 拉丁语 [散布] dis- [apart] * see dis- dis- [分开,分离] *参见 dis-plic3re [to fold] * see plek- plic3re [折叠,卷起] *参见 plek-
<参考词汇><同义词>display,array,panoply,parade,pomp同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .an impressive or ostentatious exhibition.: 这些名词的中心意思都是.给人以深刻印象或炫耀性的夸示.: 例句:a tasteless display of wealth;对财富庸俗的炫耀;
例句: an array of diamond rings in a showcase;陈列框里的一排钻石项链;
例句:a panoply of alpine peaks;高峰林立,气势磅礴;
例句:a parade of knowledge and virtue;知识和美德的炫耀;
例句:the pomp of a coronation ceremony. See also Synonyms at show 加冕典礼的盛况 参见同义词 show