bulge是什么意思 bulge在线中文翻译



n. 胀, 膨胀
vi. 凸出
vt. 使膨胀
【医】 膨出
【经】 小涨


形容词:bulgy 名词:bulginess 动词过去式:bulged 过去分词:bulged 现在分词:bulging 第三人称单数:bulges 


名词 bulge:

  1. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings同义词:bump, hump, gibbosity, gibbousness, jut, prominence, protuberance, protrusion, extrusion, excrescence

动词 bulge:

  1. swell or protrude outwards同义词:pouch, protrude
  2. bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge同义词:bag
  3. bulge outward同义词:start, protrude, pop, pop out, bulge out, bug out, come out
  4. cause to bulge or swell outwards同义词:bulk


  1. I can't eat any more; my stomach is bulging.我一点也吃不下,肚子都鼓起来了。
  2. My pockets were bulging with apples.我的口袋因装着苹果而鼓起来了。


n.(名词)A protruding part; an outward curve or swelling.膨胀,肿胀:凸出部分;向外弯曲或膨胀Nautical A bilge.【航海】 海底变曲部A sudden, usually temporary increase in number or quantity:暴涨,突增:在数目或数量上突然而且是临时性的增加:例句:The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨
An advantage.优势v.(动词)bulged,bulg.ing,bulg.es v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to curve outward.使向外膨胀v.intr.(不及物动词)To curve outward.向膨胀To swell up.鼓胀,膨胀To stick out; protrude.伸出;突出
来源:Middle English [pouch] 中古英语 [小袋] from Old French bulge, bouge 源自 古法语 bulge, bouge from Latin bulga [bag] 源自 拉丁语 bulga [袋] [of Celtic origin] * see bhelgh- [起源于凯尔特语] *参见 bhelgh-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>bulge,balloon,belly,jut,overhang,project,protrude同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to curve, spread, or extend outward past the normal or usual limit.: 这些词共有的中心意思是.超过正常或一般限度地向外延伸、扩展或膨胀.: 例句:a wallet bulging with money;装满了钱的钱包;
例句:expenses ballooning;鼓胀的气球;
例句:a sail bellying in the wind;被风吹涨了的帆;
例句:a pipe jutting from his mouth;从他嘴里发出的尖锐的哨声;
例句:overhanging eaves;突出的屋檐;
例句:projecting teeth;暴牙;
例句:a head protruding from the window. 从窗子里伸出的脑袋