dish是什么意思 dish在线中文翻译



n. 盘子, 碟, 菜肴
【医】 皿, 碟
dish it out
dish sth out


动词过去式:dished 过去分词:dished 现在分词:dishing 第三人称单数:dishes 


dish, plate
dish: 是盘子的总称。
plate: 指供个人分菜食用的盘子。


名词 dish:

  1. a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food
  2. a particular item of prepared food
  3. the quantity that a dish will hold同义词:dishful
  4. a very attractive or seductive looking woman同义词:smasher, stunner, knockout, beauty, ravisher, sweetheart, peach, lulu, looker, mantrap
  5. directional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiation同义词:dish aerial, dish antenna, saucer
  6. an activity that you like or at which you are superior同义词:cup of tea, bag

动词 dish:

  1. provide (usually but not necessarily food)同义词:serve, serve up, dish out, dish up
  2. make concave; shape like a dish


  1. That dish is too shallow to serve soup in.那只盘子太浅了,不能盛汤。
  2. The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground.那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。
  3. His favorite dish is roast duck.他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。


An open, generally shallow concave container for holding or serving food.碟,盘:一种无遮盖的、通常是浅的凹形容器,用来盛或上饭菜dishes The containers and often the utensils used when eating: dishes 餐具:就餐时所用的容器而且常是家庭用品:例句:took out the dishes and silverware; washed the dishes.拿出餐具和银餐具;洗涮餐具
A shallow concave container used for purposes other than eating:盘状物:用作其他用途而非就餐的凹形浅容器:例句:an evaporating dish.蒸盘
The amount that a dish can hold.盘碟的容量
The food served or contained in a dish:一盘食品:以盘供应或盛放的食品:例句:a dish of ice cream.一盘冰淇淋
A particular variety or preparation of food:菜肴,食品:一种特殊的食品种类或配料:例句:Chowder is a good dish for a cold winter evening.羹汤是寒冷的冬天晚餐时的美味佳肴
A depression similar to that in a shallow concave container for food.凹形,凹面:与浅的凹型盛食物的容器相似的凹处The degree of concavity in such a depression.凹陷,凹度:这种凹陷的程度Electronics A dish antenna.【电子学】 截抛物面天线Slang A good-looking person, especially an attractive woman.【俚语】 亮丽的女子:漂亮的人,尤指迷人的女子v.(动词)dished,,及物动词)To serve (food) in or as if in a dish:装盘:把(食物)装盘或好象在盘中:例句:dished up the potatoes.将土豆装盘上菜
To present:呈现,给予:例句:dished up an excellent entertainment.呈现精彩的娱乐表演
To hollow out; make concave.挖空;使成凹陷Chiefly British To foil or cheat; ruin.【多用于英国】 阻挠,欺骗;毁灭v.intr.Informal (不及物动词)【非正式用语】 To talk idly, especially to gossip.闲谈,尤指讲闲话
<常用词组>dish out
To give out; dispense freely:分发;自由地分发:例句:likes to dish out advice.喜欢没完没了地提忠告
常用词组>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English disc 源自 古英语 disc from Latin discus * see disk 源自 拉丁语 discus *参见 disk