fog是什么意思 fog在线中文翻译



n. 雾, 迷惑, (割后的)最生草, 苔藓
vi. 被雾笼罩, 变模糊
vt. 使困惑, 以雾笼罩
【医】 雾(胶体分散系统的一种,即液体在气体中分散)
be lost in a fog


名词:fogger 动词过去式:fogged 过去分词:fogged 现在分词:fogging 第三人称单数:fogs 


名词 fog:

  1. droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground
  2. an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance同义词:fogginess, murk, murkiness
  3. confusion characterized by lack of clarity同义词:daze, haze

动词 fog:

  1. make less visible or unclear同义词:obscure, befog, becloud, obnubilate, haze over, cloud, mist


  1. Shut the door or the light will fog the film.把门关上,不然亮光能使底片发灰。
  2. Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。
  3. London used to have bad fogs in winter.伦敦过去在冬季常有浓雾。
  4. I was really in a fog after the exam.考完试后,我真的感到稀里糊涂。


n.(名词)Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility.雾气:离地很近并限制能见度的以云状气团形式出现的浓缩水蒸汽
An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke.烟雾,尘雾:如空气中的尘土或烟雾等模糊的雾气A mist or film clouding a surface, as of a window, lens, or mirror.朦胧,模糊:如在窗玻璃、透镜或镜子面上挡住表面的雾或薄膜A cloud of vaporized liquid, especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires.化学喷雾:一团汽化的液体,尤指用于救火的化学喷雾剂
A state of mental vagueness or bewilderment.迷惑,困惑:头脑模糊或迷乱的状态Something that obscures or conceals; a haze:雾:使模糊或隐蔽的东西;薄雾:例句:shrouded their actions in a fog of disinformation.他们在错误信息的掩护下隐藏行踪
A blur on a developed photographic image.模糊不清:洗好的照片图象上的模糊处v.(动词)fogged,fog.ging,fogs及物动词)To cover or envelop with or as if with fog.以雾包围:以或仿佛以雾气覆盖或包容To cause to be obscured; cloud.使模糊;遮挡To make vague, hazy, or confused:使迷惑:使模糊、不清楚或迷乱:例句:a memory that had been fogged by time.随时光而变得模糊不清的一段记忆
To obscure or dim (a photographic image).使模糊或弄暗(一张照片的图象)v.intr.(不及物动词)To be covered with or as if with fog.为雾笼罩:被或好象被烟雾掩盖To be blurred, clouded, or obscured:朦胧:模糊、混乱或不清晰:例句:My glasses fogged in the warm air.我的眼镜因空气温暖而模糊了
To be dimmed or obscured. Used of a photographic image.照片(模糊):被搞暗或搞模糊了。用于形容相片上的图象
来源:[Perhaps of Scandinavian origin] [可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语]
fog 2
n.(名词)A new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed.割后再生的草:被割剪或放牧过的草地又重新长出的新草Tall, decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season.枯草,过冬草:收割或放牧季节过后剩下的高高的衰草
来源:Middle English fogge [tall grass] * see pü- 中古英语 fogge [高大的草] *参见 pü-