cola是什么意思 cola在线中文翻译



结肠, 冒号, 科朗
【化】 可乐果; 可乐果属; 可乐果干子叶
【医】 柯拉子


名词 cola:

  1. large genus of African trees bearing kola nuts同义词:genus Cola
  2. carbonated drink flavored with extract from Kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States)同义词:dope

名词 colon:

  1. the part of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum; it extracts moisture from food residues before they are excreted同义词:colon
  2. the basic unit of money in El Salvador; equal to 100 centavos同义词:colon, El Salvadoran colon
  3. the basic unit of money in Costa Rica; equal to 100 centimos同义词:colon, Costa Rican colon
  4. a port city at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal同义词:Colon, Aspinwall
  5. a punctuation mark (:) used after a word introducing a series or an example or an explanation (or after the salutation of a business letter)同义词:colon


n.(名词)A carbonated soft drink containing an extract of the cola nut and other flavorings.Also called Regional dope 可乐类饮料:一种含有可乐果提取物及其它调味品的碳酸饮料也作 【区域的】 dope

cola 2
n.(名词)Plural of colon colon的复数

cola 3
n.(名词)A plural of colon 2 colon的复数2

cola 4也作
n.(名词)Either of two tropical African evergreen plants(Cola acuminata or C. nitida) having reddish, fragrant, nutlike seeds yielding an extract that contains caffeine and theobromine and is used in carbonated beverages and pharmaceuticals. 可乐树:一种赤道非洲的常绿植物(苏丹可乐果光亮可乐果) ,有红色、带香味、坚果状种子,内含咖啡因和可可碱的萃取物,并用于制造碳酸饮料和药品
来源:[Of West African origin] ; akin to Temne k¥la [kola nut] [源于西非] ;类似于 滕内语 k¥la [可乐果]