contract是什么意思 contract在线中文翻译



n. 合约, 婚约, 契约
vt. 使皱缩, 使缩短, 感染, 订约, 缔结
vi. 皱缩, 订约, 收缩
【化】 合同
【医】 收缩; 感染
【经】 契约, 合同, 承包
contract oneself out of
make a contract with sb
contract out


形容词:contractible 名词:contractibility 动词过去式:contracted 过去分词:contracted 现在分词:contracting 第三人称单数:contracts 


agreement, contract, treaty, convention, bargain, understanding, accord
agreement: 普通用词,含义最确定,泛指个人、团体或国家之间取得一致而达成的任何协议、协定或合同、契约等,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。
contract: 侧重指双方或多方订立的具有法律效力的正式的书面合同或契约。
treaty: 指国家之间经外交谈判后依照国际法签订的正式条约。
convention: 比treaty更专门化,但不及treaty正式。也可指国家之间就有关事情签订的条约。
bargain: 通常指商业交往中的购销合同。
understanding: 指不具约束力的非正式的协议。
accord: 多指国际间的非正式协议。
condense, compress, contract, shrink
condense: 指将东西压缩得更紧密、紧凑,但不失去原有的内容。
compress: 指把乱而不成形的东西压成一定形状。
contract: 主要指以内、外部力量进行紧缩,也可用作引申。
shrink: 侧重指因收缩而达不到原有的长度、体积或容积。


名词 contract:

  1. a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law
  2. (contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make同义词:declaration
  3. a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid同义词:contract bridge

动词 contract:

  1. enter into a contractual arrangement同义词:undertake
  2. engage by written agreement同义词:sign, sign on, sign up
  3. squeeze or press together同义词:compress, constrict, squeeze, compact, press
  4. become smaller or draw together同义词:shrink
  5. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness同义词:take, get
  6. make smaller
  7. compress or concentrate同义词:condense, concentrate
  8. make or become more narrow or restricted同义词:narrow
  9. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements同义词:abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, reduce


  1. I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.我并不是永久雇员,而是根据定期合同在此工作的。
  2. Marriage is, first of all, a contract which must be governed by justice.婚姻首先是一种契约,它必须以公正为制约。
  3. The city contracted for a library with their firm.市政当局和他们公司订立了修建图书馆的合同。


n.Abbr. contr.,cont.(名词)缩写 contr.,cont.
An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.合同,契约:两个或两个以上当事人之间达成的一种协议,尤指具有法律效力的书面协议The writing or document containing such an agreement.合同文本:包含这样一种协议的书面材料或文件The branch of law dealing with formal agreements between parties.合同法:规范当事人各方之间正式协议法律的一个分支Marriage as a formal agreement; betrothal.婚约:作为正式协定的婚姻;订婚Games 【游戏】 The last and highest bid of one hand in bridge.叫牌:一盘桥牌中最后也是最高的竞叫The number of tricks thus bid.定约墩数:这样竞叫时约定的墩方数目Contract bridge.定约桥牌A paid assignment to murder someone:约定:一种为谋杀他人而制定的有偿协议:例句:put out a contract on the mobster`s life.为谋杀此盗匪而定约
v.(动词)con.tract.ed,,con.tracts[k…n-tr2kt., kôn.tr2kt.]及物动词)To enter into by contract; establish or settle by formal agreement:定约:通过合同契约开始从事;通过正式协议制定或确定:例句:contract a marriage.订婚
To acquire or incur:取得或招致:例句:contract obligations; contract a serious illness.蒙受恩情;染上重病
To reduce in size by drawing together; shrink.通过收紧使…尺寸缩小;收缩To pull together; wrinkle.使挤在一起;皱缩Grammar To shorten (a word or words) by omitting or combining some of the letters or sounds.【语法】 略语:通过省略或结合某些字母或音素使(一个或几个单词)缩短v.intr.(不及物动词)To enter into or make an agreement:开始受协议约束或制订协议:例句:contract for garbage collection.同意垃圾收集
To become reduced in size by or as if by being drawn together:通过被收紧或者似乎通过收紧而缩小尺寸:例句:The pupils of the patient`s eyes contracted.病人眼睛的瞳孔缩小了
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Latin contr3ctus [past participle of] contrahere [to draw together, make a contract] 源自 拉丁语 contr3ctus [] contrahere的过去分词 [将…拉在一起,订合同] com- [com-] com- [前缀,表.同.] trahere [to draw] trahere [拉]
contract.ibil.ity 或
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>contract,condense,compress,constrict,shrink同义词>These verbs mean to decrease in size or content.Tocontract is to draw together, especially by an internal force, with a resultant reduction in size, extent, or volume: 这些动词表示缩小尺寸或减少容量。Contract 指拉在一起或收紧,尤指被一种内在力量收紧从而引起尺寸、范围或体积上的缓慢减小: 例句:The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison.健美运动员们一起收缩肱二头肌。
例句:The pupil of the eye dilates and contracts in response to light.作为对光线作出的反应,眼睛的瞳孔会放大或缩小。
Condense refers to a reduction in volume and an increase in compactness: Condense 指在体积缩小的同时密度上的增大: 例句:.To produce snow requires both heat and cold;the first to evaporate, the second to condense. (John Lubbock). .雪的形成需要热和冷两个条件;前者起蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用. (约翰·拉伯克)。
例句:The chairman condensed all the suggestions put forward into a single plan of action.主席把所有提出的建议汇集成一个行动计划。
Compress applies to increased compactness brought about by pressing or squeezing;the term implies reduction in volume and change of form or shape: Compress 适用于通过压或挤所导致的密度增大;这个词含有体积减小及形式或形状上发生变化的意思: 例句:compress dough into a circle with a rolling pin;用擀面杖把生面擀成圆片;
例句:sat on the lid of the suitcase to compress the clothes;坐在箱盖上把衣服压紧;
例句:trying to compress my thoughts into a few words. Toconstrict is to make smaller or narrower, usually by binding or compression: 尽量把我的想法压缩成几句话。 Consitrict 指通常通过捆绑或压紧而变得更小或更窄:
例句:An accumulation of silt constricted the entrance to the harbor.淤泥的沉积使港湾入口变窄;
例句:Tight shoes constrict the feet.鞋子太紧会挤脚。
Shrink refers to contraction that produces reduction in length, size, volume, or extent: Shrink 指引起长度、尺寸、体积或范围减小的收缩: 例句:Wool jersey should be shrunk before being cut and stitched.羊毛平针织物在裁剪和缝纫前应先缩水。
例句:Many once prosperous northern mill towns have shrunk as industry has moved to the South.因为工业迁移到了南方,许多一度繁荣的北方磨坊小镇都减小了规模。
例句:His capital shrank as his business foundered. See also Synonyms at bargain 他生意失败时本钱也折了 参见同义词 bargain