home是什么意思 home在线中文翻译



n. 家, 避难所, 故乡
a. 家庭的, 国内的, 打中目标的
ad. 在家, 在本国, 打中目标地
【计】 返回始位
see sb home
at home
home free
make oneself at home
bring home to sb
home in on sth
on one's way home


动词过去式:homed 过去分词:homed 现在分词:homing 第三人称单数:homes 


名词 home:

  1. where you live at a particular time同义词:place
  2. housing that someone is living in同义词:dwelling, domicile, abode, habitation, dwelling house
  3. the country or state or city where you live
  4. an environment offering affection and security
  5. an institution where people are cared for同义词:nursing home, rest home
  6. the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end同义词:base
  7. a social unit living together同义词:family, household, house, menage
  8. (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score同义词:home plate, home base, plate
  9. place where something began and flourished

动词 home:

  1. provide with, or send to, a home
  2. return home accurately from a long distance

形容词 home:

  1. used of your own ground
  2. relating to or being where one lives or where one's roots are
  3. inside the country同义词:interior, internal, national

副词 home:

  1. at or to or in the direction of one's home or family
  2. on or to the point aimed at
  3. to the fullest extent; to the heart


  1. She lives a long way from home.她远远地离开故乡在外地生活。
  2. The threat of war is coming steadily nearer to home.战争的威胁正在一步步地临近。
  3. The plane homed in on the radio beacon.飞机遵循导航台信号降落。
  4. My home isn't very big, but very comfortable.我家不很大,但很舒适。
  5. Did you enjoy my home cooking?你喜欢我的家常菜吗?
  6. Is he home from work?他下班回家了吗?
  7. He struck the nail home.他将钉子完全打进去。


n.(名词)A place where one lives; a residence.家,住宅:人居住的地方;住宅The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or an apartment.家室,住所:人居住于内的物质结构,比如一所房子或一间公寓A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.家庭,家族:一个居所以及居于其中的家庭或社会单位;家庭
An environment offering security and happiness.庇护所:给予安全和快乐的环境A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.避难所,来源:被视为避难所或发祥地的有价值的地方The place, such as a country or town, where one was born or has lived for a long period.家乡,故土:一个某人出生或长期生活的地方,比如一个国家或城市The native habitat, as of a plant or animal.原产地:一种动物或植物的原栖息地The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.发源地:某种事物被发现、找到、发展或推动的地方;发源地A headquarters; a home base.总部;大本营
Baseball Home plate.【棒球】 本垒Games Home base.【游戏】 终点An institution where people are cared for:收容所:对人进行看护的机构:例句:a home for the elderly.养老院
Computer Science The starting position of the cursor on a computer screen, usually in the upper left corner of the screen.【计算机科学】 始位,原点:计算机屏幕上光标的起始位置,通常在屏幕的左上角adj.(形容词)
Of or relating to a home, especially to one`s household or house:家的:与家,尤其是与某人的家居或房子有关的:例句:home cooking; home furnishings.家常菜;家具
Taking place in the home:家里的:在家中发生的:例句:home care for the elderly.老人的家庭看护
Of, relating to, or being a place of origin or headquarters:发源地的:发源地的、大本营的,与发源地或大本营有关的:例句:the home office.总公司
Sports Relating to a team`s sponsoring institution or to the place where it is franchised:【体育运动】 主场的,主队的:与运动队的赞助机构或管辖地有关的:例句:a home game; the home field advantage.主场比赛;主场优势
Of, relating to, or being the keys used as base positions for the fingers in touch-typing:基键的:与基键(即触摸打字法中作为基本位置的键)有关的,作为基键的:例句:The home row on a standard keyboard consists of the keys for A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ;.一个标准键盘上的基键行由A,S,D,F,J,K,L和;等键组成
adv.(副词)At, to, or toward the direction of home:在家里,回家,往家里去:例句:going home for lunch.回家吃午饭
On or into the point at which something is directed:朝向目标地:正中或进入某物所针对的一点:例句:The arrow struck home.箭直射中目标
To the center or heart of something; deeply:向中心地,深入地:直入事物的中心或要害;深入地:例句:Your comments really hit home.你的评论确实恰中要害
v.(动词)homed,hom.ing,homes v.intr.(不及物动词)To go or return to one`s residence or base of operations.回家,回基地:去或回到某人的居所或工作基地To be guided to a target automatically, as by means of radio waves.自动导向:通过无线电波被自动导向某一目标To move or lead toward a goal:朝向目标:向某一目标移动或通向某一目标:例句:The investigators were homing in on the truth.调查者们正在接近事实真相
v.tr.(及物动词)To guide (a missile or an aircraft) to a target automatically.自动导向目标:把(飞弹或航天器)自动导向某一目标
<习惯用语>at home
Available to receive visitors:可待客的:例句:at home on Thursdays.周四可待客
Comfortable and relaxed; at ease:舒适的和轻松的;安逸的:例句:at home in diplomatic circles.在外交场合轻松自如
Feeling an easy competence and familiarity:可以胜任的,熟练自如的:例句:at home in French.对法语运用自如
home free
Free of tension or stress, usually after expending considerable effort:轻松:摆脱紧张和压力,尤指竭尽全力后:例句:met the schedule and was home free.完成计划后感到极为轻松
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English h3m * see tkei- 源自 古英语 h3m *参见 tkei-