bean是什么意思 bean在线中文翻译



n. 豆子
【化】 油嘴; 豆
【医】 豆
【经】 黄豆
haven't a bean


动词过去式:beaned 过去分词:beaned 现在分词:beaning 第三人称单数:beans 


名词 bean:

  1. any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food同义词:edible bean
  2. any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans
  3. any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods同义词:bean plant
  4. informal terms for a human head同义词:attic, bonce, noodle, noggin, dome

动词 bean:

  1. hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball


  1. Every bean hath its black.[谚]人孰无过。
  2. Coffee beans are the seeds of coffee plants.咖啡豆是咖啡树的果实。
  3. A bean grows rapidly.豆类植物生长很快。
  4. Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.豆形果实植物一种其它豆类植物或其种子或果实,尤指像豆子的那些,如咖啡豆或香子兰豆
  5. I haven't a bean, so I can't pay you.我一文不名,因此不能付钱给你。


Any of various New World twining herbs of the genusPhaseolus in the pea family, having leaves with three leaflets, variously colored flowers, and edible pods and seeds. 豆:一种豆科菜豆 属的西半球缠绕草本植物,长有三片嫩叶、花朵各异、豆荚和果实可食用 A seed or pod of any of these plants.豆子,豆荚:这些植物的种子或荚Any of several related plants or their seeds or pods, such as the adzuki bean, broad bean, or soybean.豆类:一种相关植物或其种子或豆荚,如赤豆、蚕豆或黄豆Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.豆形果实植物:一种其它豆类植物或其种子或果实,尤指像豆子的那些,如咖啡豆或香子兰豆Slang A person`s head.【俚语】 人的头部beans Slang A small amount: beans 【俚语】 少量:例句:I don`t know beans about the stock market.我对股票市场一无所知
Chiefly British A fellow; a chap.【多用于英国】 伙计;家伙及物动词)beaned,,beans 【俚语】 To hit (another) on the head with a thrown object, especially a pitched baseball.击头部:用扔出的物体来击打(另一个)的头,尤指棒球中的投球
<习惯用语>full of beans
Energetic; frisky:精力旺盛;活泼欢乐的:例句:The children were too full of beans to sit still.孩子们精力过于旺盛,无法安静地坐着
Badly mistaken:严重的错误:例句:Don`t believe him; he`s full of beans.不要相信他;他错误太多
spill the beans
To disclose a secret.泄密习惯用语>来源:Middle English ben [broad bean] 中古英语 ben [蚕豆] from Old English an * see bha-bh3- 源自 古英语 an *参见 bha-bh3-