going是什么意思 going在线中文翻译



n. 去, 离去, 工作情况, 地面状况, 行为
a. 进行中的, 流行的, 成功的, 现存的
【法】 进行情况, 工作条件, 行为
to be going with


名词 going:

  1. act of departing同义词:departure, going away, leaving
  2. euphemistic expressions for death同义词:passing, loss, departure, exit, expiration, release
  3. advancing toward a goal同义词:sledding

动词 go:

  1. change location; move, travel, or proceed同义词:travel, go, move, locomote
  2. follow a procedure or take a course同义词:go, proceed, move
  3. move away from a place into another direction同义词:go, go away, depart
  4. enter or assume a certain state or condition同义词:become, go, get
  5. be awarded; be allotted同义词:go
  6. have a particular form同义词:run, go
  7. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point同义词:run, go, pass, lead, extend
  8. follow a certain course同义词:proceed, go
  9. be abolished or discarded同义词:go
  10. be or continue to be in a certain condition同义词:go
  11. make a certain noise or sound同义词:sound, go
  12. perform as expected when applied同义词:function, work, operate, go, run
  13. to be spent or finished同义词:run low, run short, go
  14. progress by being changed同义词:move, go, run
  15. continue to live; endure or last同义词:survive, last, live, live on, go, endure, hold up, hold out
  16. pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action同义词:go
  17. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life同义词:die, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it
  18. be in the right place or situation同义词:belong, go
  19. be ranked or compare同义词:go
  20. begin or set in motion同义词:start, go, get going
  21. have a turn; make one's move in a game同义词:move, go
  22. be contained in同义词:go
  23. be sounded, played, or expressed同义词:go
  24. blend or harmonize同义词:blend, go, blend in
  25. lead, extend, or afford access同义词:go, lead
  26. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired同义词:fit, go
  27. go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way同义词:rifle, go
  28. be spent同义词:go
  29. give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number同义词:plump, go
  30. stop operating or functioning同义词:fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break down

形容词 going:

  1. in full operation


  1. Where are you going?你去哪儿?
  2. Life here is getting more difficult all the time let's go while the going's good.这里的生活越来越困难了--趁现在好走,咱们还是走吧。


n.(名词)Departure:离去:例句:comings and goings.来来往往
The condition underfoot as it affects one`s headway in walking or riding:崎岖:影响走路或骑车前进时路面状况:例句:Once we left the trail the going was rough.一旦我们离开路径,路面就变得崎岖不平
Informal Progress toward a goal; headway:【非正式用语】 进展的情况;进展:例句:It was easy going during my senior year.在我大四期间一切都很顺利
adj.(形容词)Working; running:进行中的;运转中的:例句:a machine in going order.一台正常运转的机器
In full operation; flourishing:全面营业的;兴隆的:例句:a going business.事业发达
Current; prevailing:现行的;流行的:例句:The going rates are high.现行利率很高
To be found; available:现成的;现有的:例句:the best products going.可提供的最好产品
<习惯用语>going on
Approaching:接近,快到:例句:The child is six, going on seven years of age.这个孩子现在六岁,快到七岁了