health是什么意思 health在线中文翻译



n. 健康, 卫生, 蓬勃, 健康状态
【医】 健康
be in good health
not for one's health
drink a health to sb


名词 health:

  1. a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease同义词:wellness
  2. the general condition of body and mind


  1. He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods.他对于保健食品有他自己的一套奇怪的看法。
  2. Smoking is harmful to one's health.吸烟对健康有害。
  3. His pale face suggests bad health.他面色苍白,说明他身体不好。
  4. It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。
  5. Smoking is bad for health.吸烟对身体有害。
  6. Smoking is not good for your health.吸烟对你的健康没有好处。
  7. It is believed that health is above wealth.一般人都相信健康重于财富。
  8. Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。


n.(名词)The overall condition of an organism at a given time.生理机能的全面状况:一个给定时间内某生命体的全面状况Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or尤指身体或心智的健康;免受疾病或反常影响的A condition of optimal well-being:最佳状态:一种令人满意的健康状况:例句:concerned about the ecological health of the area.关心这个区域的生态状况
A wish for someone`s good health, often expressed as a toast.通常用祝酒祝愿某人健康
来源:Middle English helthe 中古英语 helthe from Old English lth * see kailo- 源自 古英语 lth *参见 kailo-