battery是什么意思 battery在线中文翻译



n. 电池, 殴打
【化】 蓄电池
【医】 电池[组]




名词 battery:

  1. group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place
  2. a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series同义词:electric battery
  3. a collection of related things intended for use together
  4. a unit composed of the pitcher and catcher
  5. a series of stamps operated in one mortar for crushing ores同义词:stamp battery
  6. the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target同义词:barrage, barrage fire, bombardment, shelling
  7. an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact同义词:assault and battery


  1. This battery is a dud.这电池是废的。
  2. If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.停车後不关前灯,电池的电很快就会耗尽。
  3. A captain commands a company or battery.一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。
  4. My car battery has run down; it needs recharging.我的汽车电池没电了,需要充电。
  5. They are electrifying the battery.他们正给电池充电。
  6. Most torches work on two batteries.大多数电筒要用两节电池。


n.(名词)【复数】 bat.ter.ies
The act of beating or pounding.连续猛击,殴打Law The unlawful and unwanted touching or striking of one person by another, with the intention of bringing about a harmful or offensive contact.【法律】 违法殴打:不合法地或不受欢迎地打对方,目的是使受伤害或对方进攻
An emplacement for one or more pieces of artillery.排炮,列炮;炮架:为一架或更多架大炮而设的炮兵阵地A set of guns or other heavy artillery, on a warship, for example.(如战舰上的)枪或其它重型大炮Abbr. btry.An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry.缩写 btry.炮兵连,炮兵中队:部队炮兵单位,相当于步兵中的一个连
An array of similar things intended for use together:整理成套,组:把相类似的东西进行归类、整理,以备使用:例句:took a battery of achievement tests.整理考试成绩单
An impressive body or group:令人印象深刻的团体或组:例句:a battery of political supporters.令人印象深刻的政治拥护者
Baseball The pitcher and catcher.【棒球】 投手和捕手Music The percussion section of an orchestra.【音乐】 打击乐器组:管弦乐队的打击乐器组Electricity 【电学】 Two or more connected cells that produce a direct current by converting chemical energy to electrical energy.电池组:两个或更多的相联电池组,它能把化学能转变化电能并产生直流电A single cell, such as a dry cell, that produces an electric current.蓄电池:单独的一个电池,如干电池,能产生电流
来源:Middle English batri [forged metal ware] 中古英语 batri [锻造的金属制品] from Old French baterie [a beating] 源自 古法语 baterie [打;敲] from batre [to batter] * see batter 源自 batre [击,打] *参见 batter